
Given how much energy we consume generally - do you feel responsible for the environment and our global future

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Given how much energy we consume generally - do you feel responsible for the environment and our global future




  1. The sheer audacity that anyone can consider that mankind is so powerful it can destroy this planet overwhelms me.  All we can do is muddy up the water enough that it isnt drinkable, and pollute the atmosphere enough that it isnt breathable any more.  Then we all die.  But the earth?  It lives on as do most of the species on it...

    We're just smart enough to destroy ourselves...not destroy the ecology.

  2. Not really. I do the best I can at conservation.

  3. I will be dead by the time this problem will be solved. It takes the government 40 years to get to solving this. They have to get rid of the gasoline engine in cars and that will take 30 years right there.

  4. I do not feel responsible when the ultra rich live in huge homes that are heated and cooled year round and seldom used such as Al Gore's home in Tennessee.  Why should I when the ultra rich are using more and more in such a wasteful manner.  Look at all the new cities rising around the world for the rich to have a new playground.  Dubai is so rich that they have to import people who are treated like slaves to build, maintain and act as servants to its inhabitants.  Sounds like the old Rome story!  No is the answer!

  5. yes.we use too much electricity, too much water too much cars,we have too many factories that burn stuff everyday...if people went by train or walking or if 1 car took 5 people we wouldn't pollute as much and global warming wouldn't affect us as much.

    I dont want my children to die because there is an ice age!lol!

  6. Yes and everybody should be.  If we continuously act irresponsibly and apathetic in protecting and conserving our natural resources, we are doing a disservice to the next generations.  The uncontrolled burning of fossil fuel had contributed to the present alarming rise of global warming.  The depletion of our ozone layer in the stratosphere caused by ozone depleting substances (ODS) posed a serious threat to the survival of the battered earth.

  7. The global climate effects everyone! I dont care how much or how little you care about the environment or our futre; you will feel the effects of how much energy you consume. I think that everyone is responsible for their carbon footprint.

    I, personally, feel that it is my obligation to do as much to prevent global warming and to create a healthier, more sustainable future for everyone. I have, and will continue to do so by living as green as possible, and urge everyone to do the same.

    I am not religious by any means, but I know that in the bible, for all of you who love it so much, chapter 2, verse 15 says somethin like god put the people on the earth to take care of it!

  8. Yes It's all my fault.

    I single-handedly upset the global energy balance

    ..sorry!  I won't do it again.

  9. I do even though I try to conserve where I can.  I feel like unless the world changes we can't do much more to conserve.

  10. of course we should all feel and take responsibility,for we are the one that are destroying the earth, for our great granchildren,and family lines,and make sure you turn of the light when you leave the room

  11. Yes, I do.  We are _all_culpable.  Only I can be responsible for myself, and each thing I do matters.  I agree with the maxim "Think Globally, Act Locally," and I make my choices accordingly.

  12. No, I refuse to feel guilty about my success.

  13. yes i feel responsible so i use trains and buses in NYC and limit my travel by air to emergencies bills are paid via the Internet.i read 5 newspapers a day on the Internet ,thus cutting my carbon footprint by 90%.


  15. 300 million americans in the us...i totally feel responsible...dont you?

  16. Yes.  After all not all energy consumed is clean, green or renewable.

  17. No.  It is the affluence that results from our use of energy that provides us the ability to worry about the environment.

    If we were a poor third world country, we wouldn't give a rip about the environment.

  18. NO the data is all wrong. In place of worrying about the Carbon foot print it should about the oxygen foot print as there is twice as much oxygen in CO2 as carbon .

  19. the feeling of responsibility - or not - does not change the fact that your individual activities have an impact on life around you.  nature doesn't share the human trait of denial that makes it easy to blame others and shrug of your own responsibilities.  the thresholds nature sets up are not negotiable whether you like it or not and, once crossed, that's pretty much it

    once you are mature enough to accept the fact that your consumer behavior matters don't fall into the trap of sitting around feeling guilty.  get up.  walk outside.  plant a tree.  do something positive.  

    it's your future.  be there!

  20. No I do not.  Why?  This lecture will tell you.

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