
Given that Anthropogenic global warming has been proven a scam what will be the next end of the world threat?

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Given that Anthropogenic global warming has been proven a scam what will be the next end of the world threat?




  1. december 21 2012, the mayans predicted the end of the world on this date.  they also predicted the dates of Katrina, Kennedy assassination, and 9/11.  so they could be right.

  2. Having studied these people for some years it is obvious they will either return to their 17th century business of dunking deniers until they drown, chopping the off deniers or burning deniers at the stake. Or to their 19th century activities if sabotaging manufacturing plants claiming they were against gods holy plan. Their current operation is similar to their previous efforts only they have left the headsman's work to their Islamic allies to perform.

  3. Humans. Whether directly or indirectly.

  4. Nuclear winter, again.

  5. The Terminators will take over!!!

  6. youre rigth , the environment always is going to defend itself

  7. yo momma is a scam

  8. The next global threat is already here - selfish stupidity, ignorance, lack of education, illogicality, a lack of independent thinking, lack of basic humanitarianism and empathy and knee jerk conservative ludditism are sure to wreck our world faster and more effectively than AGW by itself.

  9. having a president named obama

  10. Well, in the '70's it was the Global Cooling Crisis (you can read Newsweek's article about the Global Cooling Crisis here:

    My guess as to the next "end of the world threat"?  Wow, that's a tough one, but I've rumors that livestock are becoming increasingly aggressive these days...

    In all seriousness, I think a legitimate threat would be a World Wide Nuclear War.  Let's hope and pray this doesn't happen.

  11. Your initial assumption, that Anthropogenic global warming has been proven a scam, is incorrect.   There is very little serious debate in the scientific community that global warming is real, and that it is attributable to human activity on the planet.   Results predicted several decades ago based on the global warming hypothesis are being measured and observed today.    Global warming is now a theory only in the sense that gravity is.  Refusing to believe in gravity is not going to save you if you fall off a tall building.  Refusing to believe in global warming is not going to stop the climate changes and the consequences of those changes on plant life, animal life and human life.

    Global warming is not an "end of the world" threat.   The world will still be here.  It is just changing rapidly in ways that may have a severe impact on humans, plants and animals living on the planet.   People will suffer and die, but the world will continue.

    However, just because it is sometimes fun to escape from reality and spend a little time fantasizing, and following your example of artistic license to assume a very broad meaning for the phrase "end of the world threat", the next threat will be over-population and conflicts over scarce resources.   Even if global warming was not an issue, it is a matter of fact that if you divide a finite amount of resources over a larger group of individuals, each individual will get less, and the more individuals there are, the less each one will get.  Things that we take for granted like oil, water and property, will all become more scarce and more valuable.  Even if we use scientific advancements to make our resources stretch ever farther, we it will be an ever-increasing struggle for persons to maintain a lifestyle comparable to that of their parents.  And, as the population increases the problem accelerates ever faster.

  12. Your premise is factually false - making your question irrelevant - unless you assume others will illogically respond to your, and other's, proven stupidity....and there's no limit to that, as some already know.

  13. Your assumption is false. The presence of living organisms always affects the environment. By itself, this isn't a bad thing.

  14. It is suppose to be 2012 according to the release of the 3rd secret. The pope gave permision for the release of the 3rd secret 2 or 3 yrs back, so all could prepare.

       Maria Lucia Sanchez and her two little cousins were visited by the "holy lady" at the turn of the 19th century and were given 3 warnings, two were the time and date of the first and second world wars and were released back then, the 3rd was not released untill the death of Maria Lucia who died in a convent in 2005 if i remember rightly, the 3rd secret was released shortly thereafter. Her two cousins died in childhood.  

         The 3rd secret tells how the destruction will take place, if i remember correctly it will take 3 days and very few around the world will survive, a "chosen" few will survive.

  15. the honey be theory.

  16. Ultimately it will be some variant of "overpopulation" / "overconsumption" both of which are myths.

    Of all the dead and de-bunked philosophers whose ideas you could try to resurrect, why do they pick Malthus?

  17. Well, considering environmentalists think that nature is never supposed to change at all, and that if it DOES change (ie temperature changes), it is our fault...that being said it could be anything!

    Note:  I'm not white, I'm not religious, I even voted for Kerry in '04 as a dumb college student who just turned 18 and swallowed any drivel that came my way.  Lucky for me I started thinking for myself during my 4 year stint at my university, unlike most of my peers.

  18. I think the next threat will be from people that know nothing about science, like those that call AGW a scam.  Ignorant people are always a source of problems.

  19. I'm predicting that the next scare is that Wind Turbines cause "Global Calming" of the winds, and environmentalist will demand that all wind turbines be torn down.

  20. Global herpes

  21. They're already making the transition:  The acidification of the world's oceans.  This way they can STILL blame CO2 after atmospheric temperatures drop.  When the temperatures drop still further, the dwindling resources will then be blamed on "overpopulation", until the number of dead and dying refute THAT...

  22. Giant Mutants from the planet Jupiter will throw overgrown corn at the earth!!!

  23. Naivete.

  24. Well they are doing their best to blame everything they can on the Christians, so that's my pick.

  25. Nuclear winter?

    Computer gliches world wide triggering Nuclear melt-downs globaly?


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