
Given that China does not have environmentalist whackos bossing them around, when china rules the world, will?

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the environmentalists and other socialists and America-haters say :

"See, china's way of doing things is best. America lost in the world stage because we are evil. China is great."

When the real reason is that china does not allow environmentalist whackos to choke progress?




  1. I am not sure what planet you are from but China does have environmentalists. No they do not have much power but they do have them. As far as socialists are you talking about America? we have one of the most social systems in the world. OK about the America-Haters it is not only because of environmental issues that we are hated throughout the world. GW is a part of it. Plus when you are the top dog everyone is gunning for you. But mostly the reasons we are hated is our Foriegn policy sucks. So the real reason China is doing so well is that they have little concern about the welfare and well being of their people. They care only about the money they are making (Still sound Socialist to you?) The cost in human lives is not measurable at this time but down the road they will die of cancer and other ailments that are the direct result of environmental abuse. Sorry but we need checks and balances to ensure the companies we work for do not kill us.

    Hope that helps you understand.

  2. China is in the middle of an industrial revolution, the impact on their environment is becoming a big problem. Shortage of drinkable water, rivers dead,smog blocking out the sun....

    Just like the western worlds industrial revolution after the steam engine was invented! Not so long ago Seven-Mile-Island, a disaster not visible to the eye; high rates of child cancer because of dumping of chemical waste... to name a few.

    China's economy will have to adjust, or there will be a monumental health crisis.

    The easiest way to deal with global weather changes is to ignore or even pretend it doesn't exist. It is true, earth has climate changes ever so often. This time it is different! With 80 billion people on the planet, one failed global harvest would create havoc! Far better to be prepared and have a plan. The earthquake in China's agricultural region, flood in Myanmar, persistent droughts in Africa and floods in the Midwest have shown, the worlds food supply is vulnerable. I don't think the US has enough food stored for us to survive one year!

    Environmentalists want to preserve the planet for future generations. One can't just take - one has to give too!

  3. My wife and I were in China in Feb.  You can not imagine the pollution or the building.

    They have one of the most modern airports in the world,  Its is also one of the largest.  it took less than 4 years to build, why?  because the Chinese government does what is best for the NATION, not what is best for a group of nuts and tree hugers.

    Yes they will over take us, and when they do, I truly hope that our tree hugers  will watch their children starve.

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