
Given that Obama has Socialist Policies, Do We Now Know why He Wants to Meet Putin & Other Communist Leaders?

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  1. Your premise is false.  Obama does not have socialist policies.

    And I think wanting to meet with foreign leaders, communist or not, is a good thing.  Bush met with Putin and saw his soul.  What's your point?

  2. Liberals would rather live on their knees than die on their feet.

  3. To get ideas for his new world society.

  4. What socialist policies? Also, Putin is no longer a communist; he has become a fascist.  

  5. Trickle down economics has been totally debunked.

    Jobs created under Bush 5 million

    Jobs created under Clinton 28 million.

    Percent of wealth controlled by top 10% of population under Clinton 38%

    Percent of wealth controlled by top 10% of population under Bush 50%

    In fact, tax cuts on the rich have proven to be a disincentive to innovation and growth. What happens when wealthy have more money because they do not pay taxes is that they do not feel a need create businesses and jobs. They keep the money.

    The economy growth under Bush was the best that money could buy. All borrowed money loaned from overseas that we now know will never be repaid. The world is onto us now. We will actually have to earn our next 8 years of income.

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