
Given the candidates, what's more important, Honesty or Experience?

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No one in recent history had attempted this kind of a political conversation with 85,000 people. Barack Obama pulled it off.

That's why the important point about Palin's lack of experience isn't about Palin. It's about McCain.

Will McCain's choice of Palin complicate his ability to use the "experience" issue or whether he will have to drop Experience as an issue and use Honesty instead?




  1. Both honesty and experience are important and McCain/Palin excel in both categories.

  2. Obama  20 years did not hear Rev. Jeremiah Wright  

  3. People are being lied to & atleast many people have tuned into their inner guidance which shows with the large turn out for Obama. I just saw a women who bragged that she listened to conservative radio. She also said Obama had only been in the senate for a few months before he started to run for President. He has actually been there since 1996 so the lies about his experience makes their claim not make any sense anyway. He is a Harvard graduate top of his class. You can listen to him & tell he is an intelligent man. Palin doesn't have anything in comparison to him except lies. She admitted to the thing she is being investigated for & now she has got a lawyer & denying it all. Obama has honesty & experience & Biden just adds to it all.

  4. Palin has no experience.  The GOPers are trying to pull a fast one on the American people again.

  5. The most important thing is judgment.

    Honesty is second, but many would put it first.

    Experience is of little value since good judgment cannot be gained through experience in a job like being president.  If you were talking about a job as a mechanic or technician, then experience would be more important than anything else.

  6. Obviously not honesty, none of them would be elected. Show me one honest politician we have ever had.

    Honesty would be nice, but please... It's both sides, they all lie, an Obama is just as much a liar as the rest, I never heard racist remarks while attending Wrights services, yeah right.

    You can vote for whom ever you want, but don't try to use honesty as an approach, good or bad, they all lie.

  7. Honesty gets you no nowhere in Washington, Experience will help to avoid making big mistakes.

    This woman like any woman if asked to take on these duties would be riding high on all that is taking place (dreams). What is sad about what is taking place is she is ready to give her all like she has give her husband, state, but there is more to what she will incur. My thought is also that when McCain doesn't become President, Palin will be looked upon as the reason, which will be wrong.

  8. No first time President has any experience in office, so why even suggest that either has any experience, leave it out of the criteria, it's a moot point!  Honesty would be my choice for a President, but neither has that either.  Both have lied to the public repeatedly, why should we trust either of them is my reasoning.  I am going to write in my vote & it won't be for either of them now in nomination.  Sounds like the right thing to do when you have such duds running for the highest office in the land, don't let either of them win!

  9. Well Dems have both, so... what's your question?

  10. funny how barack has neither

    lied about his 20 years of racist church

    only has 143 days as junior senator


  11. It's pretty easy to have 85,000 people show up for a free Stevie Wonder concert - he couldn't have that many show up just for a speech.   What if John McCain had a rock star show up for his speech and offered a free concert?   Admittedly it would be hard, most of them are leftists, which is easy to be if you made all your millions as an entertainer and had folks adoring you for your singing, not your intelligence.

  12. Experience is a non issue in this election. Experience is a relative. Obama is a 46 years old man, he's hardly inexperienced. In fact, you have to ask the question of what type of experience rather than how much. McCain might have experience in war situations, where he learn how to fly planes badly, but he's completely off this planet if he does not know how many houses he has. I do not know about you, but when I get to the time in my life when I don't know how many houses that I have, I'll be a very happy man. But the truth is 99 % of the world do not have this luxury. We need leadership, diplomatic, and a person that can articulate his or her views to America and the world. In this role communicate is vital. It will be fascinating to see a debate between these two... then the world will see. If they do not see, then Americans are more stupid than I thought.

  13. obama kool aid what is the flavor offered today?

  14. looking at Mccains history in the senate I seriously doubt if honesty is something that he cares about

  15. Well, I don’t think experience is really that important. It's a nice thought, but experience doesn’t mean quality---ex: Bush. Honesty is great, but how can we ever be sure that he is being honest? I don’t fully trust any politician. Personally I'm looking for someone new who shares the same open-minded values that I do. McCain still runs with the old "my way or no way" generation. We also need someone who puts environment before money. Having extra cash is nice, but I'd rather have clean air to breath then a full pocket book and yes, that's coming from someone who works two jobs just to survive. However, we'll only know what either candidate is capable till they get in that office.


  16. i think it's about good judgement. and clearly mccain has none.

  17. Oh, I thought this was an unbiased question when I clicked on it. Sorry.  

  18. I would prefer one who has experience at being honest. An Honest mistake is better than a deliberate lie. the honest mistake will not be repeated the deliberate lie will happen again

  19. When has there ever been an honest candidate?

    I vote for experience.

  20. this republican candidate is short on both.

  21. Honesty!

    Obama/Biden 2008!

    Ebony & Ivory Presidency!

  22. Honesty is the best policy.

  23. Neither.  For me, it's ideas that are the most important.

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