
Given the current economic state, does it bother you that potential American jobs are being shipped overseas?

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Given the current economic state, does it bother you that potential American jobs are being shipped overseas?




  1. yes, but you have to look at why.  it wouldn't seem to make sense that you could have the same thing built thousands of miles away and shipped here cheaper that doing it here, why is that?  other countries do not put all the restrictions on buisness that we do.  no minimum wage, safety controls, when we throw a dollar on the ground here it's not hardly worth picking up, over there it may be a week's wage.  buisness will continue to make as much money as it can, even if that means giving that buisness to another country.  the answer is to make conditions more favorable for buisness here, get rid of all the c**p legislation that makes making a profit here difficult, and as citizens we need to vote with our dollar and buy american.

  2. Jobs have been outsourced at an alarming rate and continue even though the American people have protested loudly. This administration has done nothing to keep jobs in our Country. Hillary Clinton stated that she is against out sourcing and for in sourcing. Yes her husband did sign the NAFTA agreement, the one thing that I consider a mistake by an otherwise great President, but she said that she is running under her beliefs, not those of her husband. It takes a strong person to make these statements and I applaud her.

  3. That would concern me if the economy was booming. In fact it did bother me when the economy was booming. That is one of the main reasons that our economy isn't booming anymore.

  4. It bothers me a great deal, I think this is one of the major reasons we have a continually shrinking middle class in our country.  I think it is time for our country to rethink how it trades with other countries, we let nearly everything in from places like China but they greatly restrict how much we can export to them.

  5. Has been going on for years. That is part of the reason for the economic state. All of this didn't just happen overnight, its been brewing for years.

  6. Yeah. And it drives me crazy that everytime I need customer service, I have to speak with someone in India with a accent I cannot even understand!

  7. Yes, just try to get someone from yahoo to answer your question. after 40 e-mails and $30 service charge they still cant fix my i call the call center in India and get sorry sir your account is not authorized to talk to people.....good by and have a very very nice day!

  8. I don't lose any sleep over it because I can't control it. The fact is we are increasingly living with a world market. There is nothing sinful about that. Yeah I hate to see Americans not have the $ and live the life they'd like, but I also hate to see foreign folk suffer the same fate. We are all human beings. Don't get hung-up on it. Just plan accordingly.

  9. i feel that company's build their reputation in this country--get tax breaks to get started---and when the C.E.O's and stock holders get greedy and move out --they should pay all back tax breaks---and half to pay substantial import tax to deal and sell their products here.and use this tax to handle the unemployment they caused--and the property and buildings they had here, now becomes city, or government property--to be sold and help the economy---no money goes to the traitors that pulled out---they should not get tax breaks here ---because they have a vacant building here --but manufacture in china---we have all seen the contaminated imports from china---no country can match american  quality

  10. um no, because there are tons of foreign companies that have operations here that hire Americans.

    Examples:  Toyota, AXA

  11. Not really. America's goal should not be to keep low skilled jobs here, but invent services and products that require high skilled labor that can only be found in America.

  12. I don't really think so. Simply because there are lots of potential workers do better and cheaper than the American workers. The following website give a clear explanation of why and how come so many American jobs are being shipped overseas and it's good for the US economy.

  13. yes and no, more so no. I think we need to concentrate more here in america on creating new things, keeping up innovation creates new and better jobs essentially for others here in america as well as abroad.

  14. I love it when people say it is Ok to ship jobs overseas because other countries set up shop here but they forgot to tell you that the profit is sent home to their country.

  15. Considering the unemployment is historically low at 5.5% and there are more people employed in the USA than ever,... no it does not worry me.

    Upgrade your skills to make you valuable.  95% of people who want work are employed.  Of the 5%....3% don't really want work.... so 2-3% are umemployed that want work.

    It is a worldwide economy.  change or perish

  16. Outsourcing is clearly limiting our jobs in the US. However, in the long-run, outsourcing has the potential of actually benefiting our economy more than it harms it. Through outscourcing, US companies can get more quantities of such a product by paying less. Over a period of time, this would help the US economy because the surplus can be sold to other countries, increasing our GDP.

  17. Yes.

    But it looks like no matter what the Poeple want the Goverment does what they please.

    I think if we stop and take a good look around there is also alot of Companies here from other Contries as well...

    It a very touchy topic for everyone but yet Goverment does what they want.

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