
Given the venom and spew of the left, do you think McCain hit the mark with Gov. Palin?

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I don't think the left even hates Bush as much as they seem to hate and despise Gov. Palin. If the venom of the media and the leftist yahoo's on the boards these days are any indication, it seems Sen. McCain hit the mark with her selection. The names, the insinuation, the sexism, all the ugliness is unbelievable. Has a genuine look of outright panic to me.




  1. It was  a bullseye!  The Dems are on the run now!!  They were expecting someone in the establishment and they got blind sided.  She is an excellent pick and they are grappling with how to deal with her.  So far, all they have is to question whether she will have time to be VP with 5 kids.  How blatantly sexist!!

  2. Bush is still the most hated person by liberals.

    However, liberals do fear Palin's potential impact on this election.

    They're afraid Palin could energize McCain's campaign and drive more swing votes toward McCain. Swing votes from non-committed voters are going to be very important in this election.

    This is going to be a tough campaign and *both* candidates are going to have to fight for every vote, so these partisan attacks are inevitable.

  3. Only one I saw spewing nonsense was this so-called Hockey Mom from Alaska.  I was on the fence, now I am voting Obama/Biden.

    How many citizens are there in Alaska any way?? I don't think this idiot understands the issues that regular Americans face everyday.

  4. I'm thinking Hillary has now turned into Linda Blair from "The Exorcist".

  5. Nope.  I think he picked her because she has a v****a and he thinks all women vote with their ovaries.

    He's about to find out what a stupid decision he made, though.

  6. He sure did and add to that an openly biased media that doesn't even bother to hide their feelings anymore.  

    He's managed to find himself a winner, as witnessed by the outcry that we're seeing, the new left wing blogs that are now springing up and into action, and slanted reporting that is soft on Obama but tough on her.

    This lady did great when considering the scrutiny and hate that she's been under since the announcement was made that she's McCain's running mate.  She doesn't buckle under pressure and demonstrates all of the traits of great leadership.  Hats off to Sarah Palin!

  7. No you are confusing panic with glee.  Palin was such a terrible choice, she is anti-american, anti-choice, want to teach religion in our public shcools, is so far right that she only proves what the dems have been saying all along, which is that the McCain/Palin ticket is just more of the same.

    Palin is just like Cheney, except she wears a pant suit, is more conservative, and knows how to shoot a gun.

  8. I agree with you.  If she wasn't a threat does anyone think they would be attacking her this bad?  The sad thing is you'd think these "intellectuals" would be smart enough to actually do the opposite and not give her ANY press, to make sure she remained a nobody!

  9. She slammed dunked them dude, smack down!

  10. The media is insulted because they weren't consulted.

    How dare McCain not give them Palin's name in advance so they could be ready with their research to attack the GOP VP nominee!!!!

    Funny how for the past few weeks, the energy issue was the BIG deal and now all they talk about is "mayor of a tiny town" and "only been governor for two years."

    Wait until she lands on them about that Alaska Oil and Gas Commission.

    The pipeline she just got underway is the LARGEST project ever in North America - $40 BILLION dollars.

    And it's a natural gas project - the current BIG DEAL.

    Pelosi said that's what we need.  Except that Pelosi said that natural gas wasn't a "fossil fuel" and still opposes drilling.

    How does Pelosi think you get natural gas?  By TALKING??????

    Biden opposed the TransAlaska Pipeline.  He was WRONG.

    Chris Matthews looked stricken on MSNBC.

    He's an old politician and he GETS it.

    He called her a TORPEDO.

    Right at the campaign of Barack Obama.

    The lefties on MSNBC were stammering after Palin's speech.

    They knew.

    They knew.

    Palin is Everyman, Everywoman.

    Finally, the American Voter can send one of their OWN to Washington.

    s***w the media.

  11. I think McCain made the perfect choice.

  12. Yes!  But he had a few good people to choose from.  I'm happy with her.

  13. It's like demons being forced out of swine.

    Are they REALLY gonna attack "Mrs Smith Goes to Washington?"

  14. Get back to us when you're being serious and have an actual political issue.

    Because once again, you're off in La la land.

  15. McCain made a slam dunk by choosing Palin! 5 million more people watched her speech than NObama's and she is a hit all over the news! Read the article from the UK's Sun. It's great!

    I hope everyone switches their cancel to CSPAN when O'Reilly interviews NObama. Don't give that liberal the respect to watch his interview since he finally decided to be brave enough to go on Fox after all this time and schedules it when McCain is speaking tonight

  16. I think McCain hit the mark just based on the lady herself. She's tough and sensible. The fact that the left is reacting as if they've been hit in the stomach is only icing on the cake.

  17. McCain hit the mark alright by handing the election to Obama.  I love his choice for VP, there couldn't be a better choice if you ask me.  I can't wait to see what the newest scandal about her is.

  18. Id say Maybe..

    The left goes after whatever Soros and Axelrod give them for talking points.. you can see a direct correlation of the questions on YA with the dribble on the daily KOS..

    They need to get off Palin and back onto the issues if they think they still have any hope..

    They are too full of koolaid to see the more they bash her the more sexist and desperate they look.

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