
Giving a Egg Donation?

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So I recently found out that a women is able to donate her eggs to other women who cannot produce their own or that are having difficulties, so the women can give birth and it would be by her husband's sperm. Ive wanted to donate because I have been looking for a way to give selflessly and I thought about the one thing that I want most in life is to be a mother someday. So I would like to help other women exprience that but I am scared that when I finally do have a child one day I might feel horrible knowing that there is technically more out there being raised by other women.. Do you think egg donating is a good thing to do to help people? Or could the pyschological effects cause great pain and regret later?




  1. wow, that is a really selfless and wonderful thing to do.  I am sure there are counselors available at the clinic which you would donate at, yours is a common fear, most likely.  Good Luck in making your decision...  

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