
Giving a speach at my best friends wedding...

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so I am the Matron of Honor in my friends wedding. I have to give a speach of course and just really stumped as to how to word it or what I should say and etc.. I have been really good friends with her for over 10 years now and were both still really young. I am 23years old will be 24 years old by the time of her wedding and she is 24 will be 25 years old and her soon to be hubby will be 32years old. They are the PERFECT match and I love them both dearly and just so stumped as to what to say.. ANY IDEAS?? PLEASE!! Thanks!




  1. Make it personal and from the doesn't have to matter to anyone but you and her .I cryed the whole way threw but I had alot of people come and tell me it was great after...

  2. say i love u bf and happy life  

  3. Well you basically said your speech! Just say that from the x amount of years that you've known her, you've never seen her glow as much as she does when she's with (her husbands name). ..Say that you know that they're a perfect match and them two together just makes perfect sense..good luck!

  4. My best friend just got married and I had the same problem. I thought of all these ideas to make it a heart felt speech and make it funny but when I actually sat down to write it I had the worst time. I stood up and just said I didn't prepare anything because when I sat down to write this speech I was too emotional to write. I spoke from the heart (I cried a lot) but I think it's better to just wing it. It's much more heart felt then something your reading off of a piece of paper. Trust me- it worked :-)

    Good luck.

  5. If it were me I would look at one of these samples and make changes to tailor the speech to your friends and your relationship or one of these may serve as an inspiration for a completely new speech of your own.  I always get stumped when writing something from scratch but once I see an example the ideas start flowing.

  6. I feel it should be a toast and not necessarily a speach.  Try finding a poem or the verse out of a song that you both have enjoyed through the years.  Start with that and end with " To the perfect couple" and keep it short! Here!! Here!! Good Luck!

  7. Well you have a start by saying they are perfect! I think you should just speak from your heart as you just did and maybe even tell a humorous or touching story about them as a couple or you and her.


  8. It's really nerve wracking trying to write something this important. There are a lot of websites out there that can help you. It's not a coupe out, it's just to give you some ideas so you can express yourself without loosing your mind. Good luck!

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