
Giving back and involving my child?? Help please!?

by  |  earlier

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I recently came into some money (not a lot) and I would like to use it to give back to a charity or rescue group..the thing is, I don't want to just give them money, I want to allow my child to be a part of this and I am looking for ideas. He is 12 so he's very capable..i'm just not sure what to choose. We live in a small town in TN so there aren't a lot of shelters or rescues here. Does anyone have any ideas? And please keep in mind, I don't want to just hand over money..I want my child and I to participate...Thanks!




  1. I think you should give some to the charities, but also why not start some kind of college fund for your child.

  2. I would suggest maybe donating either time or money (or both) at your local food bank.  Or finding an organization (or church that has community outreach) nearby that will be helping low income families prepare for back to school. I guess it really depends on how small your town is though.

  3. You should have fundraisers and buy backpacks and put in things that people  will need and it can be lots of fun for you guys because you can have fun activities that give small prizes such as pencils, erasers, etc. The money you get from that you can buy packs with.

  4. Adopt a soldier. The men and women serving overseas, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan definitely could use your support...and your child can definitely help. If you don't want to adopt a soldier...join a team of dedicated volunteers that work to benefit our troops.

    Here are a couple of links to get you started:

  5. check with american red cross and find the closest to your area. I work in tn and know that you can also volunteer at your local nursing home doing chores and maybe getting fans for the elderly that are on fixed incomes.

    sometimes churches make lunch bags and go around and deliver them to the patients that are staying in hospitals for several days.

    you dont neccessarily have to donate you can buy the supplies and deliver them.

    you can do some bathing at the your local animal shelter and I can sit here and go on and on.

    we have several schools and hospitals for terminal ill special needs kids and their families i know would just love to have another child come and read them some stories.

    (i work at a special needs preschool)

    the ronald mcdonald house and st judes also have websites that you can visit for volunteer oppertunities and the ymca.

    good luck and i hope that you find something

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