
Giving humans nightvison like animals?

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Alot of animals can see better in the dark because they have some mirror-like thing in the back of their eyes that reflects any light that isnt absorbed to give it more than one chance to be absorbed. Would it be possible to surgically place something similar in the back of a human eye to give that person night vision? I want it because it would be cool to see in the dark, and I'd love to have eyes that glow red.




  1. I want red eyes too! But it seems impossible. You can still get red eyes from camera shots though. Bio-engineering might make it possible...

  2. just insert a small amount of a reflective fliud behind the retina, btw people have already done stuff like this. there are people getting tatoos inside their eyes. yes INSIDE. so just look around for people with shiny eyes or colored eyes. although many are in europe and japan.

  3. Their ability to see in the dark has nothing to do with the "mirror" effect.  Humans have that, too.  You can sometimes see it when you take a photograph --then it is called "red eye".  The mirror effect has more to do with the relative size of the animals pupil.

    Animals see better in the LOW LIGHT LEVELS (No animal can see where there is NO light.  Some, like bats, have developed other methods) because they have more "rod" cells in their eyes than humans do.  Thus they are more sensitive to low light levels.

    But the trade off is color vision.  Most animals do not see well in color, because they have reletively few "cone" cells in their eyes.

    Humans have the best balance of color-versus-low-light vision.  We don'tt see too well at night, but we see colors a lot better in the daytime.  That is why colors attract us more than it does animals.

    Of course, we're also smarter, so we can compensate by inventing light bulbs and night vision goggles.

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