
Giving nuts to children under age 6

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A while back (almost a year ago), I walked in on my son eating peanuts while at my parents house. He's 3 years old. He loved them and still asks for them to this day. In your opinion, how much of a chocking hazard are they? I know on the can it says not to give them to children under age 6. I eat a lot of the Planters pistachio lovers mix and cashews and he always wants some. Thanks!




  1. I've noticed that it says that on the can also, but my daughter eats them all the time. I just make sure she doesn't grab a big piece and I tell her to chew it before swallowing. I have caught her sucking on peanuts before (probably to get the salt off of it) and I told her she needs to chew it so that she doesn't choke on it. I just keep a close eye on her while she's eating them.

  2. I wouldn't give my kids nuts of any kind. It only takes once for them to choke.  

  3. They can be a chocking hazard for young children and I was advised not to give them to my child until she was much older.  However, I started giving peanuts to my daughter at 3 years old.  I would just kind of break them up just a little; just in case.  So far she's done well.  I do watch her like a friendly mother hawk anytime she's around peanuts though.

    Good Luck

  4. They're very healthy. Make sure he's sitting down, not running around while eating them. Just watch him closely and it should be fine.

  5. As long as he is sitting and not wiggling around he's probably okay, HOWEVER he could still inhale one which could collapse a lung. I've had to do a back blows on children who have been eating nuts, just be careful.

  6. i asked  my doctor the same question.  the only reason they tell you not to give nuts to children under age six is because of a possible allergy. and while they will be allergic at 6 years if they are at 1 year, they can better vocalize symptoms to you when they are older.

    since he obviously isn't allergic, kids can choke on anything.  just make sure you strongly supervise him when he eats them (dont let him run around and play at the same time) and he should be fine!

  7. The warning label having such a high age is due to people with severe allergies.  Peanuts, shellfish, and a few other allergies can be really dangerous and stay hidden--if you never eat peanuts or shrimp, you'll never know you have a problem until you do, it isn't like you'll automatically be allergic to everything else too and be careful about trying new things.

    I think the peanut makers are just covering their butts, and trying to make sure that if you used the peanuts as directed, that your child will be old enough to survive a bad allergic reaction to them the first time he tries them.  Since he has already tried them, I don't think you have anything to worry about--if he's old enough to know to chew his food.

  8. 3 years?  shouldnt be a problem for a 3 year old. might say not to give it to them on the can because there is a concern for alergies

  9. My 5 year old son loves peanuts and pistachio nuts, He does not have them often as i am afraid he will chock on them but he has had them a few times and has eaten them fine with out chocking but i still worry when he has them.

  10. my daughter eats peanuts and she is not yet 2. i mom gave her peanut butter when she was little so shes not allergic, but its up to u whats right and wrong for him.

  11. There only nuts, just tell him to chew them thoroully and be careful. When i was little i always ate them, especially when we went on family vacations and i was in the car bored...So if i was his age back then and ate them in the car, i dont think he's gunna choke on them that easily at home :)

  12. Your child can choke on anything.  Give him the nuts and tell him to chew good.

  13. My children both eat nuts.  One is 3 years old and the other just turned 6.  I wouldn't let them eat them unless they were sitting down somewhere, but other than that, I wouldn't worry about it.

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