
Giving up children for adoption?

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I want to give up my two teen age children for adoption, how involved is this? Will this be expensive as my ex and I have very little extra money?




  1. are you kidding me??????????????????

  2. ask the teens this question.

  3. its called a step parent adoption and ts done all the time. Call a lawyer and they will guide you.

  4. it doesn't cost anything if both the biologic parents are with the adoptee. It is just the corruption and grediness of the clerks that make life so difficult.

    Go to local court and fill the forms yourself.

    Good Luck

  5. It depends on where you live and also on if you all agree to it.  You can actually sign over temporary guardianship tomorrow.  All you have to do is go on line and look up forms for temporary guardianship and then she can take them home and care for them until the rest is done.  There will be some things she can't do, such as get a certified birth certificate, claim them on her taxes or consent to them have some medial procedures, but for all intents and purposes she will have guardianship.  Then you can start the process for legal guardianship, which costs about $1200 all together, but you might be able to get fee waivers and such.  Good luck, check into legal aid, paralegals, law schools etc to get cheaper attorney fees, if you can afford it, sign up for legal insurance such as Arag Group or some other legal insurance plan which usually costs less than $20 a month, but will pay for most attorney fees.  That is what I have and I will be using it when I file for legal guardianship of the baby I have temporary guardianship of.

  6. What why would you bother to raise them to their teen years and then put them up for adoption. They are more likely to go into foster care wich can have demaging effects on them. If you need a break from them then why dont you see if a friend or relative can mind them for a few weeks or why dont you and your ex just take turns

  7. idk, but yes get them adopted, you dont deserve to be called a mother. it should not be very expensive.

  8. Do the kids want this??

    Adoption means that their birth certificate will be changed - and the originals will be sealed from them forever - if you lived in a sealed record state.

    You would have to check with an adoption attorney about costs etc. There are certain protocols that you have to go through.

    Perhaps look at legal guardianship instead.

    Mostly people want to do 'adoption' for the adults - not really for the kids.

    Kids just want to know they are loved - and that people are going to stick around.

    Kids also can't undo adoptions down the track - even if they want to.

    The kids should really have an input on this.

    I take it you are the mother - and if that's the case - it's not like the surname will change anyway.

    Again - think hard - and it's usually the adults in these situations that want the official 'titles' - not the kids.

    I'm an adoptee - and I see myself as having 2 dads and 2 mums.

    You shouldn't cease to exist just because of adoption.

    You may not be raising these kids - but you'll essentially always be one of their 'mothers'.

    You're the 'nature' - and the other is the 'nurture'.

    Sorry if I've confused you - but it is a complicated issue - with life-long affects on the kids.

    I wish you the best.

  9. Hmmm you have to give up all rights as a mother and maybe visitation rights 2 if not granted. I think all u have to do is get a document letter stating ur giving up ur rights as a legeal parent to whom ever.

  10. Why ? why didn't you raise them ? why did you abandon them

    No just get the paperwork drawn up it shouldn't cost much at all and I say they will be better off

    Honestly how pathetic.

  11. Yes you can, but it does cost money. The travel is also your responsibility so if they live out of state you will need air fare for them. I would contact "a Childs Waiting" for info as well as "Chask". There are several Yahoo groups as well. One is "adopting hard to place children". There are many families on there that adopt teenagers.

      A better idea to start may be respite care. If they have problems that are too hard for you to handle you can place them with licenced foster parents for short times to regroup yourself. This is all done outside the DSS loop so its not like getting your children taken away. I'm not sure why you want to place them. If they have problems, there are also day treatment programs that work hard on their emotional problems in place of school. Some last until later in the evening so you don't have to long to handle the children before they go to bed. Take a deep breath and pray about it. I hope everything works out for you.

  12. I think possum is right. Firstly, you need to discuss this with the kids.

    Let the kids be apart of any choice you make for them.

  13. I know teenagers can be a pain in the ***, but they do grow out of it... eventually. Just hang in there.

  14. You'll have to sign consent for adoption forms at a lawyers, then they'll have to go to court to do a step-parent adoption.  This is easier than most adoptions, and can often be done in the same day, depending what state you are in.  Legal aid might be able to help, I'm not sure.  Some states allow you to sign over papers at the courthouse, and you'll have to have ID ready to have the paperwork notarized.  The emotional part is 100 times harder than the paperwork.

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