
Giving up your vehicles.?

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How much money would you save if you gave up your vehicles(car,truck,etc..) How much money do you spend on average for payments, insurance, gas, maintenance, etc. for a year. Even if you couldn't live without your vehicles, how much would you save if you didn't have them. I want to know because I am going to give up my car, and start riding my bicycle. I will save around $3000/year. What about you?




  1. based upon my own experience,here is a good resource that I have good luck with and would like to share with.

  2. I have a vehicle but I don't use it much.  I walk to work, to the store and to other places in town.  The only time that I use my vehicle is for out of town trips because there is no public transportation.  My average out of town trip is 250 miles so walking or biking it is out of the question.  

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