
Giving your two weeks notice?

by  |  earlier

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I work at Subway and I am planning to quit because my supervisor quit few months back and everything changed. Now my manager is in charge. She cuts employees hrs back and dont put anyone in the middle to work. Making me and my coworkers work even harder. She is picky and demanding and writes warning for stupid reasons. I havent yet to receive one but I am afraid after I put in my 2 weeks notice what if I get fired or receive a warning. I am expecting the worst because recently an old coworker of mine already quit and we're 2 ppl short but I dont care. I just want to know what to do if something 'bad' happen how do I handle it if she makes me sign something. Yeah call me paranoid. But my manager is a b**** to everyone. I am one of the older employees there since a lot our workers come and go.

I live in CALI

I want to go back to school and maybe find another job if I can handle both. =)

I know she wont be really happy if I leave since I am an reliable worker.




  1. Every place has a "tough" boss, so by changing job doesn't mean you get lucky to have a good one. Since you had worked there long time, your pay and hours should be better than others and you know things around.  Go find another job or go sign up for school before you decided to quit.

    If she makes you sign anything that you don't agree on, then I think you can report to company HR for the issue. Or when you sign it, you can note, the notic is being acknowledged but you aren't agree to it.

  2. Who cares what she does or says or how she feels.  Give your up to work, do your job for the next two weeks and go on with your life.  Subway jobs and many others like them are a dime a is too small a thing to stress over.  Go back to school and get another job or jsut get another job.

  3. If you don't have another job lined up, maybe be prepared to sit and explain to her (in a nice way) that it's been too stressful for you.  If you're that reliable and she has any sense, she may see the light and improve the situation.

    Just write a letter stating that you are giving your 2 weeks notice.  No need to explain in the letter.  No need to sign anything.  Don't worry about getting fired or receiving a warning - you're quitting.  It won't affect you.  It the manager is that bad, she probably won't give you a good reference any way.  She won't last long if she's running the place into the ground either.

    Good luck to you.

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