
Gla Gla's?

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In a boating magazine that i get one of the recommended shoes of the years were Gla Glas. I don't know much about them, but on their website they look pretty cool. I know that they're really light and thats all I know. Are they comfortable, are they durable, and anything else you know about them would be great.




  1. well i looked online and the only website i found that had anything about them was in french... so i translated it so it might not make sense in a few places...

    Glaglashoes, the first broken down tennis shoe 100%. Chiche! It is true that Glaglashoes was nominated for the price of “the technological innovation 2005” for its revolutionary system “Winder” based on the level of the soles. And what is it? A technology which causes a single interior ventilation allowing an air circulation in all the shoe at the time of the movement of the foot. Thus, your feet will remain dry and keep their natural freshness.

    But once in a while does no harm and contrary to the concurrent marks presenting the same ventilation system, these glaglashoes has an aspect with the mode resolutely. Its various colors enable you to carry them in all the occasions.

    Moreover, the price is really rikiki since the pair costs you only 49€. At this price, you will be able to give a beautiful guard of dress to your feet without you to ruin.

  2. sorry, I couldnt wear something that the name makes me laugh
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