
Gladiator beast first attempt?

by  |  earlier

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i went to a local tournament last wekk and saw alot of glad beast decks being used ... i have decided to try build 1 and see if they are actually any good before comitting to buy as it were (atm i got most of the commons and 1 test tiger lol) ... the fusion deck would consist of 3x gyzarus (heraklinos would be nice but im not willing to trade alot for it lol)

17x monster

3x darius

3x bestiari

3x test tiger

3x laquari

2x murmillo

2x hoplomus

1x DD assailant

11x spell

2x battle archfiend shield

2x respite

1x monster reborn

1x gladiator's return

1x proving ground

1x twister

1x lightning vortex

1x heavy storm

1x brain control

12x trap

3x defensive tactics

3x waboku

2x double tag team

2x gladiator lash (wanna replace but not sure what for)

1x torrential tribute

1x mirror force

any tips appreciated

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  1. you don't need to run so many monsters because the monster will search themselves out, and you don't want to normal summon them because then they don't get the extra effect.

  2. Subtract:

    1x darius

    2x laquari

    1x murmillo

    1x DD assailant

    2x double tag team

    2x gladiator lash


    2 Elemental Hero Prisma

    3 D.D. Crow

    2 Shrink

    2 Gladiator's Chariot (in the next set)

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