
Glass blocks (more specifically the mortar) are leaking? Any suggestions on how to repair?

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I have a 2 story glass block window. It has started to leak when the rain comes in from the side. Any suggestions on how to repair the mortar and make it "Waterproof" again? thanks




  1. Go to your Home Supply store and get a tube of Mortar Caulk, most are water proof. Here's how to caulk better then the pros, Cut the tip at an angle and put your finger at the tip and the apply the caulk holding the tip and your finger in the job, press out just enough to fill the gap and let your finger do the smoothing all in one sweeping motion.  you will get the hang of it, and you have one up on the other guys, It works around windows and doors, bath tub and sinks too!

  2. I would find the leak and use a type of caulking that looks like mortar. I have never repaired glass block but have used this with some success to repair brick veneer. Here is a link to the product I used for that. I purchased it from my local hardware store.

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