
Glass bottles?

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what are some things i can do with glass bottles, barring recycling and throwing them away? crafts etc.




  1. My cousin painted a wicked lot of them and glued them all together to create the coolest American flag!

    When I was in Middle school (8 years ago), we had to figure out how to build the age old mystery of the ship in a bottle.

  2. They make nice candle holders if you find the right size or refit the wax to fir them.

    I used to collect the cobalt blue wine bottles.  I  thkept the collection bunched together on the platform of our jacuzzi tub.  It looked pretty when the sun shone through them.

    You can also fill them with sand or colored liquid.

  3. using empty mayo jars and such I spray painted the inside white then painted flowers on the outside, if you can't paint them free hand buy some stencils.  I use them for buttons or spare change or anything I want to save but don't want it 'seen'.  I also use empty jars for screws and such in the garage. Just drill a hole in the lid and s***w it to the bottom of a wooden shelf,  then s***w the jar to the lid.  they can hold various sizes of nuts bolts and screws.  The small things are out of the way yet easisly accessible for use when needed and organized too.

  4. get a glass cutter($ 40.00) make drinking glasses hanging lights,get a pice of wood make serving  or cover old table ,try break the glass put tile set then arrange pices and grout,set them as is on window sill where sun comes in.

  5. break them up and encase the broken glass in resin or concrete and make a couter top, table top, etc

  6. When I was a little girl, my Granny, a very fit woman capable of doing so many things on her own, decided she wanted a SHED to house her garden tools, her HUGE rototiller, and riding lawn mower.  Of course, she would build it herself.  She started saving bottles, and friends and family would give her all the neat ones, and one day, she got some concrete and went to town, making the south facing wall concrete and bottles.  She had cut and filed some of the tops, and others she simply put in.  When it was done, it was like walking into a church, with all the pretty bottles, with the sun shining through the red, blue, yellow, brown, green and clear bottles.  She had a very artistic sense and did such a beautiful job, I used to go and sit in there for hours looking through seed catalogs and just looking through all her neat stuff!  I was recently thinking about this and wondering if I could do the same here at my house, and honestly, I would love to have that cool look to a shed.  It gave great light, but was still like my secret hideaway with all the shelves and stuff she added later.  Just a thought....Hope you like my Grannys idea.....Good luck!

  7. One thing i've always thought is really neat (and this is only if you have a TON of them) is to push them, top downward into the ground to make a garden edger. The B&B across the street from my house has it throughout their front yard, and i've always been a bit jealous. Another idea i'm a fan of is turning it into a self-waterer for houseplants. You would just have to put a olive-oil type pourer on the mouth of the bottle, fill it with water, and push it into the soil around your houseplant. For other ideas, is a fantastic resource for all things crafty and recycling related! I warn you, it is an addictive place.
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