
Glass in salad?

by  |  earlier

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My mom and sister went to a bugaboo creek like 6 months ago and my mom bought a salad. She took some put it in her mouth and when she was chewing she felt something in her mouth, she spits it out and she sees that it was a 2 inch piece. How much money do you think she could have got if she sued? lol, just wondering, not that she is going to.




  1. Perhaps your mother should have thought about this issue when it happened, not six months later.  I would think there is not any proof at this point, and that she should forget about it and try to be careful and aware from now on when she goes out to eat.

  2. wow, something similar happened to me a few years ago, but i had a cookie at ryans with glass in it, we told the waiters and they refunded our dinner, but what happened was a dish broke and some went into the batter, then they got rid of the rest of the cookies, so probably you would have gotten a free dinner.

  3. thats crazy although even if she doesnt sue she needs to bring it to the attention of the store management so that it doesnt happen to any one else she seriously could have gotten cut badly thank goodness to your mom she is fine.

  4. Well, it really depends on how large the "Bugaboo Creek" corporation is, I have never heard of that restaurant so I can't give that detailed of a response.  All companies have a certain tolerance for how much they will pay in circumstances such as the one that happened to your mom.  If it is a large chain restaurant they would probably settle somewhere in the 6 figures; but if it is a "mom and pop" restaurant you would be looking closer to the $10 - 20,000.
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