
Glass of wine while pregnant?

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I'm 25 weeks pregnant, and when I go out with my friends they try to convince me to have a glass of wine. None of them have kids, but we have other friends that have had kids recently/are currently pregnant, and they have a glass of wine occasionally. I have not had a drink since I found out I was pregnant because I feel like the studies are inconclusive.

I'm just trying to find out how many expecting mothers have a glass of wine occasionally?




  1. a glass of wine is fine.  i am in my second pegnancy.  i have had one glass of wine this time (a half glass) and i am 27 weeks.  

    my last pregnancy i had a total of 2 glasses.  both in the second tri mester and all is well.


  2. when I was pregnant I didnt drink at all .But a friend of mine is Spanish and she said in Spain they recommend you drink a glass of red wine as its good for you .Its a womans own personal choice as is smoking .Dont let your friends push you .if you dont want dont .If you are going to have something let it be Guinness is its full of iron    

  3. There are two issues here:

    1. Your friends should NEVER be trying to 'convince you' to drink alcohol, and this is true whether you are pregnant or not.  Nobody ever HAS to drink, and if you don't want to a simple "No thank you. I'll have a coke, please," is all that should be necessary.

    2. If YOU  are comfortable with an occassional, single glass of wine, there is no evidence of harm to baby.  But if you are uneasy, don't drink.

    (I opted to abstain completely, but I am a VERY light drinker anyway, so abstaining for 9 months wasn't a problem.)

  4. I wouldn't risk it, and I would NEVER EVER have a drink of anything with alcohol. You will probably get lots of different answers on this subject.

    So I get thumbs down because I choose not to drink in my pregnancy? thats so dumb!

  5. NEVER! its not worth the risk. That might be all it takes for your baby to end up with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome...why risk it?

  6. Depends on your dr and the person. Some dr's say that a glass of wine every now and then wont hurt, others recommend a glass a week, so dr say NO NO NO NO NO...

    In my opinion... ONE glass of wine isn't going to hurt... A glass of wine isn't the actual glass filled to the top anyway, it's like 3 sips if you actually think about it.

    But it's your baby. Don't do it becuase people tell you it's ok. Do it becuase you know it won't hurt anything.

    35 weeks haven't drank anything since being pregnant  

  7. Here's the bottom line. This is straight from my OB's mouth and it makes sense to me.

    Where else in the world do doctors tell their pregnant patients to abstain from all drinking? Nowhere. Because Americans are overcautious and because so many of us having drinking problems, we are told to never drink while pregnant. The key here is moderation - but to one person, moderation may mean one glass of wine every other week and to another it may mean dropping down to a 12-pack a day from a case a day.

    Go anywhere in Europe, and you will see pregant women having a glass of wine all the time. Still, European nations have a much lower occurance of fetal alcohol syndrome than do we in America.

    No one with any medical background will tell you that you are risking the health of your baby by having one drink, so I have no idea where people get this idea. Less educated and informed people just take this as gospel, but maybe that's better, as they are the ones more likely to have problems with the aforementioned moderation issue.

  8. there is no found evidance that say only one glass of wine a day will cause fhs. my doctor told me i could have a glass a day, but my friend could have a glass a day too and one of us could end up with our child having issues.

    so no its not worth it because they cant prove at what point of consumption will harm your child.

    did i drink while pregnant? a half glass of wine. i felt to guilty if anything happen so no more. its all your personal opinion. dont let what they other people posted persuade you to do something. you are a big girl .

    however, there is no limit you can follow to insure that no harm is done to your or the baby.  

  9. I'm probably going to get lots of thumbs down for this, but the occasional glass of wine won't hurt you or the baby. Don't have more than one glass, and don't do it often. In fact, many european women have a couple of glasses of wine each week when pregnant; their doctors do not tell them to completely abstain and overall, their rate of fetal alcoholosm is quite low. I think that some people are overly cautious. A good friend of mine had an occasional glass of wine when she was pregnant with her son, and he's perfectly fine.

    I, on the other hand, cannot tolerate even the smell of wine right now!  My entire pregnancy, anything alcoholic has smelled like rubbing alcohol or turpentine.  gross.

  10. You should not go with who else did what because there are mothers who were drunk the whole time including labor but the children turned out to be perfectly fine... There are mothers that only had a drink or two during the entire pregnancy and the child was affected... Just do the right thing because studies are inconclusive, they do not know why or how much. This is b/c it is different with every mother and child.... BE SMART and if your friends were your friends, they would frown upon you even being in an enviroment that may be tempting (bar) let alone, pressuring you!

  11. h**l no... not even a sip for me!

  12. During all three of my pregnancies, my doctors recommended an occassional glass of wine because of my morning sickness (which really was an all day thing).  I tried to once but my nerves made me throw it up.  I wouldn't recommend it.  

  13. I feel it better not to chance it. There's plenty of time to have a glass of wine after the baby is born.

  14. no u shouldn't bc the baby could die.. my 7 or 8 yr old couz ( cousin ) mother smoked when ur NOT suposed 2 but luckily her baby girl survived the smoking

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