
Glass tanks for gerbils?

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Somebody said that glass tanks are bad for gerbils. What about the plastic tanks, are those okay? I will also have a tank topper on it.





  1. Glass and plastic are bad for the same reason, bad ventilation. which means you will have to clean the cage more often. you should try a cage like this

    I had one for my 2 dwarf hamsters. It was great.

  2. glass tanks and plastic tanks are ok for gerbils but they hav ebad ventilation i just bought 2 cute lil gerbies for the first time 1 month ago and i bought the crittertrail Z for them i think its really good!!!!!

    you should search the crittertrails at

    its a great website!!!

  3. just do a 1ft by 1ft hole in your backyard. i do that with all my pets, except for dogs and cats. i make their holes much larger.

  4. A glass tank is not bad for them, ventilation is an issue, but if you put a wire top on it, it helps a lot.  Also, make sure to change the bedding often.  I personally don't trust the plastic cages for my own small animals. Too many animals getting out of their cage or getting hurt because of a fault in the cage.

  5. they are not bad for them, they just do not ventilate as well. A wire cage is better - more fresh air for your critter, less stinky cage for you to have to deal with!

  6. they work fine for hamsters and gerbils.

    there not guinea pigs or chinchillas hehe.

  7. People believe tanks are bad because of problems with air circulation. However, I've never had a problem with it, and most gerbil owners who have tanks haven't either. As long as you clean the tank out as needed (mine tends to be every two weeks or so), and keep a ventilated top on the tank (wire mesh, tank topper, etc.) it's fine.

    I would think plastic could get scratched up. Gerbils tend to dig a lot. If they scratch a plastic tank, it could become fuzzy and hard to see through. Although they're lighter, a glass tank may be better.

    So, all in all, as long as the tank is large enough and you clean it out enough, it's fine.

  8. there not bad for them. i just baught a hamster a few hours ago and they told me thats better because a gerbil or a hamster cant escape. with a plastic one they can and even with a wire one.  and if you get a glass tank get a 10 gallon and you should get a wire to to go on there. my hamster loves it and it has alot of room to run around. the only problem with glass tanks is that you may need a special water bottle holder for it. its only $4 though i just saw it in petco.

    i hope i helped!


  9. No, glass tanks are not bad for gerbils.

    Unless you neglect to clean them for more than a week.

    As long as you have a mesh lid or, even better with no other pets or small children, no lid at all.

    I keep my gerbils in a 20 gallon long tank, with a good few inches of Aspen bedding mixed with Carefresh. This way, they can't jump out, and the Aspen can absorb a lot of odors, while the Carefresh keeps it soft.

    A fan running in the room is good, since it keeps circulation of air going, pushing fresh air to the tank.

    The glass is good because it keeps the bedding inside the tank, instead of on the floor.

    With plastic there is always a chance of escape by chewing.

    I dunno.

    I see where they are coming from, but in my experience the ventilation is pretty easy to maintain.

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