
Glass vs. Plastic?

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for a insulator, is a glass container better than say, a plastic peanut butter container? give reasons please. and if a glass container is better, how can i make the plastic container more of a insulator with a limited amount of space outside of the container? it can have lots of materials that insulate heat though




  1. plastic becuase its better then the glass and i now it

  2. Recycled glass because it is better for the enviroment. They don't recycle plastic so that's prettty bad.

  3. Do you want a thermal or electrical insulator?  Glass is better at both than most plastics, but foamed plastics like styrofoam are excellent thermal insulators because of their low density and captive air.  If space is limited, a glass vacuum bottle is a superb thermal insulator.  That's the essential part of a Thermos jug.

    You can tell what kind of plastic is used for a recyclable plastic container by checking the recycling number.  Then, you can look up its conductivity in the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics in your library.
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