
Glasses but i dnt Wnna wear them!?

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im 13 and my eyes r pretty bad ive been wearing contacts for the first time this week and im used 2 thEm but from monday ill hav to start wearing GLasses. i dont really want to coz i'll look even worse with them on! and people might think im a nerd! i no i shouldnt care about what people think, but its hard not to! Help!




  1. glasses are completely fashionable right now

    make a statement and be different to your classmates

    you'll just have to be brave one day and it should be fine after that

    or if you really really don't want to then why not just keep the contacts?

    i honestly can't see how the state of your vision reflects whether or not you're a nerd


  2. wear contacts.

    people will not actually care what you look like, but it may seem this way. they only do this to you because 1) they are jerks 2) they are in the age range of 12-16 and 3) they need somebody to vent their own lives onto.

  3. It's all to do wih choosing the right frames.

    Some frames will make you look like a geek, and others will make you look awesome.

    Try on loads, and don't get hung up on having designer labels.

    If a non-designer pair suits you best, go for them.

    But don't worry about wearing glasses. They don't make you a nerd. Millions of people wear them every day, including some of the super cool A-Listers.

  4. get the cute ones with black frames..they're in style now =]

    and glasses dont make you look nerdy..all my friend have them and they're cool.

  5. You're thirteen, therefore at school.  Education is really important and if you need glasses then you should definitely wear them, they will clearly help your reading and writing.  They will also help to prevent headaches which would affect your studies.

  6. If you get the right shape then you can look really cool.

    I can still remember (and it was a v.v.long time ago) when the school 'hotty' was rumoured to be getting glasses - when he turned up at school after summer he looked even hotter with them on.

  7. glasses are awesome

    loads of people in my glass have them

    choose ones which suit your face shape

    people in my class feel jealous that they don't have glasses

  8. Mayb try to get a better pair of glasses and more stylish, why cant u just get more contacts?

  9. I don't think glasses have the same nerdy image that they used to. You can get some really nice designer glasses these days that are quite a fashion statement.

    I have had contact lenses too but I do find my specs easier. The whole taking out, cleaning, changing solution just was such a pain that glasses won out! (And I am 38, I should be more responsible)

    Try and persuade your parents to get you some really fabulous glasses that you feel happy in and stuff what anyone else thinks.

  10. I wear glasses, it's not biggie. If you get come cool funky frames they can really set off your look and can enhance your feature. Make sure they suit your face shape and colouring xx

  11. I first had to wear glasses when i was 13 (1978) and they were really nerdy (nhs) glasses.I soon got them changed to something more to my liking.Don't worry what other people think,I know it is early days yet but you might want to start saving up for laser eye surgery in a few years time.I have had it done a couple of years ago (when i turned 40) and have never looked back.NO pain whatsoever.Whilst wearing glasses i never tried contacts so i can't really compare contacts to glasses.Hope this helps.

  12. Ya know, the dr i work for goes to Ghana, Africa to do cataract removal and to give donated glasses to people in the area. These people get so excited that they can see that they don't even care what they look like with them on because they were given the gift of sight!

    Be happy your family can afford to get you glasses.  don't be so self concious and get over it.  

    If your beautiful, glasses will just show a different side of your beauty.

    . . . plus, if you get an eye infection then you have no choice but to wear your glasses anyway ; )

  13. For me, getting used to my glasses was all about accepting myself in them: accepting myself as a bespectacled person, and such like. I actually felt quite stressed while I was waiting for my glasses to be made up, but as soon as I put them on I just thought 'well, what can you do?'

    Then on the second day of wearing them I had a little crisis of confidence, but I thought 'well, what can you do?' and the crisis passed, and I left the house as normal. I thought I would feel embarrassed about people seeing me in them, but I wasn't - because I made myself accept that this is how I look now, and this is how people are going to see me from now on.  

    Then, for about the first week, I felt occasional pangs of sadness about how I had to alter my perception of myself. But by the end of the week I wasn't even thinking about my glasses when I put them on. In fact, now, if I try to remember back; what I was doing, and such like, I find it impossible to remember whether I was wearing my glasses or not. Which is quite funny when I think back to how they seemed like quite a big deal when I got them.

    Of course, there is one more thing, which is not so good: don't confuse your own acceptence of glasses with other peoples' Remember how before you needed glasses, you'd see a goggler and think 'what a dork!' Well, just because you accept glasses now, that doesn't mean that everyone else does too. But, then, don't worry too much about that.

  14. well im 17 and ive been wearing glasses since i was 5. i never used to like wearing them, but i do like the ones i have now, as i know that there are people out there who wear glasses that look alot worse than mine

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