
Glasses help????????

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I'm a 14 year-old pregnant who is currently having eye problems. In fifth grade I took an eye test at school and they said i needed glasses. After going to a real eye doc, they told me wait until next year.

But it's been so many years already! My physical check-up doctor never checks my eyesight and I can barely read the board at school anymore! Most stuff I look at is always blurry unless its two or three feet away. I really don't want to tell my parents that I need glasses... so what should I do?

P.S.- Glasses or contacts for starters {if I need them}?




  1. ur parents kno ur pregnant rite...cos it wud b wierd if dey knew dat but u couldn tell em bout ur eyesight issues....u definitely need glasses...try goin 2 a diff optician..start wit glasses.....den once ur power is stable move on to lenses....even wit lenses try em out for a month..disposable ones..continue only if ur comfortable...

  2. OK so im the same age as u. I had to tell  my parents i needed glasses since 4th grade. I just told them last week! dont worry i told them while i mom was going to work that way i wont have to worry about anything later. you should get glasses bc when my friend wears contacts she did worse in school bc her eyes were alway red and she couldnt open it all the way so she could see the board

  3. Have you told your parents that you're pregnant? Why would you be afraid to tell them you need glasses?  Maybe if you had been able to read the s*x ed textbook... :)

  4.   14   imean     f,,,,,,in     14  ????       glasses should b  least   thing to worry bout tell n your parents about !!!    

    glasses is no big deal  u go to the doctor  they do it 4 free  at special clinic s  . especially   your pregnant at 14  !!!    thats going to cause all kind of   problems    ,,,,,  whatever   keep  your legz closed youngin  !!!!

  5. You need to tell them.

    If you don't, then your eyesight will only get worse.

    Start with glasses and then work your way to contacts.

  6. You definitely need to tell them your eyesight is poor.  It will not get better on its own.  It's nothing to be afraid of at all.  They will understand.  One or both of them may wear glasses or contacts themselves.

    Many people get glasses first and later get contacts.  Glasses are handy to have around for days when your eyes are really tired or irritated.  Once your baby gets here you'll barely have time to go to the bathroom, let alone have time to mess with all the cleaning and maintenance contacts take so I would definitley start with glasses.  Get contacts once you get things under control with the baby.  Besides, when you first get contacts you should only wear them a few hours at a time to let your eyes get used to it.

    My daughter got glasses in 3rd grade.  On our way home from the eye doctor she said "WOW!  I didn't know those were TREES!!!" as we were driving down the road.  I guess she'd never noticed them before or her eyes had always been kind of bad and we never picked up on it.  I felt HORRIBLE for not catching it earlier.

  7. You gotta tell them. It sounds like you really need glasses. If money is a concern you should just go glasses because you can have glasses without contacts but you can't have contacts without glasses (you need something to back them up in case you lose a contact or you get an eye infection and you need something to wear before and after you put them in).  

  8. You should start of with glasses and then after a few years get contacts. Ak your parents to set up an eye appointment a an optician and then they give you a prescription bring it to a eye glasses place give them your prescription pick out a frame they fit you in you frames and in a few days they will get you a pair of glasses!!

    Hope this helps.

    I have had glasses for 3 years and will be contacts soon

    you can get contacts but it is better to get glasses for starters

    Good luck

  9. i think you should get glasses first, i have glasses myself and it helped me a lot. I needed them big time. So i got glasses. I didn't want them cause it made me look weird, but it is important. I promise you it will help you. ^^

  10. Wow, you're 14 and pregnant? But that's off subject so I'll tell you what you need to do lol.

    It defintitley sounds like you need glasses, but of course, I'm not your doctor ^-^ And if it's been many years when you only needed to wait one year, then I think it's definitley time to get glasses. I don't see the harm in telling your parents about this, unless if they are like, against glasses or something lol. I would definitley say to start with glasses first and once you have them for a while, you can switch to contacts if you're ready. Good luck and I hope I helped! ^-^

  11. in fifth grade they told me i needed glasses.i couldnt read 2 feet away,sure enough, i got them one week soon as you put them on you'll be like holy c** get the glasses.

  12. Buy some glasses so you can see stuff and be amazed.
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