
Glasses or contact lenses?

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ok, ive had glasses for a few years now and just recently i decided to get contacts. so for they are a pain just to put on, and i guess they are really just for appearence, which is why i got them. Do you think i should forget about the contacts, or am i just overreacting. and do you think that glasses are better than contacts in the long run?




  1. i dont wear glasses or need them or contacts but i always thought they were savvy,and cool i like people with glasses

    and there frame on them i have a pair of non perscription glasses i like to wear:)

  2. I really like my contacts. You just need to get used to yours. Before long, you'll have them in and out in seconds.

  3. i think contacts look better than glasses

    but u can get some that you can wear at night time so u dont have to change them eveyday

    but i dont know if there better for your eyes

  4. Contacts are really easy to put on after you practice a little. Just don't give up after the first try because my optomologist told me that a lot of people do after they don't get it right away. If you have the kinds you can sleep in, they have made my life so much easier.

  5. Trust me, I couldn't even put eye drops in when I got my contacts.  You'll be putting them in and out in no time without even thinking about it.  They have ones that are so comfy now that the only way I can tell if I have them in is that I can see. LOL  Sure can't feel them in my eyes.  I don't care how gorgeous or handsome ANYONE is, EVERYONE looks better without glasses.  Plus, with contacts you can wear whatever sunglasses you want, etc. etc. - a ton of things you can't do with glasses.  I had an illness and was not able to put my contacts in for about a year, after I had been wearing them for only a year.  I actually sat down and cried the day I got my contacts back. LOL  I wouldn't take a million bucks for mine if I had to go back to glasses and I never wore glasses, just readers for about 4 years.  That was enough for me.  My husband wore glasses since he was a young child and had no desire to get contacts, didn't much like them when he got them.  Then about 6 month later once he was accustomed to the contacts, he said he had no clue how he wore glasses for so many years.

    Give it time, as I am certain you will come to LOVE them- as long as you get a comfy pair.  Most people can wear several different brands/ types and a good optometrist will work with you to find the perfect pair for you.

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