
Glastonbury festival...?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so, I know there are approximately 37 tickets left and I'd NEVER be allowed to go anyway but I just want to know; how much roughly is it per ticket? =) Thankyouu

I don't want to get one (Well I do) but I don't want to know the prices so I can buy them, just so that I can start persuading my parents for next year =) x




  1. It is nearly £200 for 1 ticket.

    And the last I heard there are HUNDREDS (maybe even thoysands) of tickets left.

  2. There are some tickets still available.  The price will be £155 for a weekend ticket, plus £5  booking fee per ticket and £4 post and packaging per order. There is no postage cost for tickets purchased from HMV.

    Yes, it's a tad expensive but it is really worth it!

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