
Glaucoma: why do the drops have to be taken at night?

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I take Xalatan for my glaucoma; however, the drops burn my eyes. I have trouble falling asleep when my eyes burn. My opthamalogist said to simply take it earlier in the evening.

I'm a heavy computer user, particularly in the evenings. I'd like to know the purpose of taking the drops in the evenings close to bedtime. Is it just for convenience? Why can't I take the drops first thing in the morning when I'm still half-asleep? If it's so important to take them close to the eyes "resting," then I shouldn't take them and then come back to the computer for an hour, right?

Aargh. Thanks for your time and consideration of this question.




  1. Xalatan is a prostaglandin, which means it essentially causes a very low level inflammation.  That causes the eye to turn red for a hours.  The idea is that if you put it in at night, you'll be asleep when your eyes are red and they'll be back to normal by the time you wake up.

  2. Actually, the pressure in your eye tends to be highest in the morning.  By taking xalatan at night, you are allowing it's most effective time to coincide with the time pressure tends to be at its highest.

  3. According to MIMS drug manual, Xalatan provides optimal effect when taken in the evening.  It starts to reduce intraocular pressure 3-4 hours after administration, but only achieves maximal effect 8-12 hours after it's taken.  If you take it at night, it's working best at the start of the day.  That's the only reason I can see for the timing.

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