
Glitching/Hacking a Calculator?

by  |  earlier

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Is there a way to glitch or hack a normal calculator to get it to always give the same number as your answer?

For example, 27 as a preset answer to everything.

1+1=27, 6*65=27, etc.

Thank you!




  1. whoah.

  2. Yes there is but you will need three things.

    1. s***w driver that is the right size for your screws.

    2. A soldering Iron.

    3. You must know where the IC in the calculator is. It will most likely be covered in a black substance.

    Here is what you do: Take the screws off, then place them in a small bowl or cup. Next you need to locate the IC which should be covered in a black substance (if its not it is a small square thing with a lot of connections) If there is black tar on it you need to get a razor blade and remove it. Next you take your HOT soldering iron and place it on lead # 3 or 7 Depending on how many there are. That should take out the calculating function. Now for it to get suck on a number you must have one of two things.

    1. Another preset IC that you can input in the calculator

    2. Really time the burning of the lead.

    If you don't have a second IC then just type in whatever number you want before burning the leads. BUT BEWARE. If you burn the wrong lead then you will most likely ruin the calculator. If you do have a second IC then your good and just put it on a separate circuit board  you will need a 555 IC and that should do the trick!

    Hope this helped

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