
Glitter lands in Heathrow tomorrow...?

by  |  earlier

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how long will he last? any body near Heathrow willing to pop down the airport and give him a nice big welcome?!

Seriously how long do you think it'll be before someone attempts to kill him?




  1. No-one will try to hurt him.  If they did they would end up in prison themselves, he's really not worth it.  I don't think he will ever get another chance to abuse kids.  The media will make sure of that, he will be hounded now for the rest of his days, which probably isn't long anyway considering his poor health.

  2. Lets hope they still quarantine animals because that perverted b*****d needs to be caged. But the way the justice System works over here he'll probably get a bloody MBE or something. He'll be free to roam and Probably have a house about 30 yards from the entrance of an infant School... It Makes you F****** sick to the stomach. I hope somebody does do him in. Stick a skewer up his ****, see how he likes to be violated.......... b*****d!!!!

  3. Should we all go there and kick the c**p out of him???

    He would not last long then! I live about 40 odd minutes from heathrow. who wants to meet me?

  4. i work at heathrow and rest assured there is a  large rucksack filled with sharpened medieval torture instruments waiting to be inserted up his bottom

  5. Well, although I wouldn't personally, I have to admit it would please me if someone did.

  6. Very very quickly I hope and I hope it's with a twelve bore sawn of shotgun, and your absolutely right no amount of time is long enough filthy child abusers.

  7. No one will get near it, and I mean IT as it is not worthy to be thought of as a human. It will protected like royalty, it'll be given everything it needs to start a new life back here. It should be arrested as soon as it's foot touches the tarmac, taken to Broadmoor and kept there until it dies. It will offend again, no doubt about that. Our children will never be safe as long as this scum is allowed to walk the streets of this country. No doubt either that the PC brigade will be holding a welcome home party for it. MAY HE ROT IN h**l!!!

  8. Gary Glitter is innocent

  9. I'm surprised he has caught his onward flight to the UK - then again, presumably the Thai government weren't too keen on the idea of him entering Thailand.

    I'm sure someone will attempt to have a crack at him, but with his millions he can probably afford round-the-clock security.

    I wouldn't worry too much about Glitter anyway, his criminal record is so high profile now there's little chance of him ever being allowed near a child ever again. It's the abusers you DON'T know about that can cause the most harm.

    Glitter may be an animal but there's definitely a double standard at play here. I don't know why he's singled out for vilification, when other ageing rockers who OPENLY admit to sleeping with underage kids are welcomed with open arms onto chat shows. I'm sure you know who I mean.

  10. Hopefully he will be booked into hospital and contract MRSA or C difficile.

    However life isn't like that.

    Some Do-Gooder will take him under his/her wing.  

  11. Hopefully the filthy f***ing scum will get sucked into a Rolls Royce engine and get sprayed over the runway.

  12. He has done his time and we don't do lynching in the UK. He is in such bad health that maybe the NHS waiting list will kill him off.

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