
Globa Warming? Fact or Fiction?

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Global Warming in my opinion is a sack of doo doo. How is it possible if the atmosphere is getting destroyed that all over the world, mainly the U S of A, is still receiving large amounts of snow? Please clarify...




  1. I am so sick of answering these kind of questions. Why don't you think for yourself? I mean you can't even spell global in your question heading.

      The situation you are talking about has the name of 'winter' and is not a global situation it is 'normal weather' to have in winter. Just this year is a cold one. You really need to rethink this whole thing and think about a global situation and not just local weather. good grief.......

  2. First, don't watch An Inconvenient Truth, it's full of distortions, errors and outright fabrications. Even in the UK where AGW is much more publicly accepted than here a court found many factual errors and required they be disclosed before the movie could be shown in public schools.

    Second, it's fact that the Earth has been getting warmer since the end of the Little Ice Age 200 years ago. Not dramatically as AGW advocates claim will soon happen and apparently the past year has been dramatically cooler. Prior to that temp hadn't gone up since 1998 and it has now dropped by an amount greater than the total warming over the past century. It may warm again but it may not.

    The current crisis we face isn't warming we cause, it's a very weak solar cycle which historically means cooling. Thus far the cycle we're in, #24, is weaker than the one that caused the Little Ice Age which killed untold numbers of peoples, left New York Harbor frozen, the Thames River frozen and farmland that was unworkable due to the cold. It started late and hasn't shown strength so far but that could change.

    If the cycle doesn't pick up we'll have to immediately move into a debate about how to stave off advancing glaciers and frozen farmland in July throughout much of the northern hemisphere. Obviously solar energy is the major consideration in global warming and cooling.

  3. Where moving closer to the sun that's why the Earth is warming not because of anything man is doing

  4. I think the truth is beginning to rise to the surface of the bucket of excrement this debate has become. In the last couple of years we have already been seeing the back-peddling of those promoting AGW. Observation of the climate will slowly erode at the foundation of the theory. However, the disciples will continue waffling because of their extensive investment in the movement. Ultimately, indisputable science will deliver the death blow. I encourage you to read this article. The author and his team believe they have the "smoking gun" Search Middlebury Community network and read the editorial about global warming.

  5. First off I am a little upset with this whole Global Warming lie. Because I was looking forward to a little warming. But we too have been experiencing lower than normal temps and higher than normal snow fall.

    Second, EVERYONE know that the clod kills and life is much more prevalent in a warmer climate.

    Third, Global Warming is BIG business and THAT is what it is all about. THE MONEY!!!!

  6. you must be really scared and sensitive person or you must be a very religious person to not believe in global warming. We live on a planet which of course will face climate change. Global warming will get worse every year there is no question about that. You can already see things changing. Ice is melting in the artic and in the landscapes, and it was even proven, so no Global warming is a major issue.

  7. FACT.

  8. Global warming is a sort of mislabel.  Most scientists prefer the term global climate change.  Global climate change is caused by an enhanced greenhouse effect.  The greenhouse effect is what keeps heat in the atmosphere.  However, the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (mostly due to humans) the enhanced greenhouse effect is being called global warming.  Global climate change may or may not be heating up the planet, but it will definately change the planet's climate.

  9. Global warming with a capitol L, and it is real.

  10. neither its fraud Al Gores millions made by flying around the world telling people not to use carbon based fuels like the fuel in his private jet.

  11. Global warming is NATURAL. The AGW theory hasn't been proven. The End.

  12. Okay. Global Warming is happening, but there's nothing humans can do about it.

    Contrary to popular belief, carbon dioxide is NOT an effective green house gas. If you've seen the graphs depicting world temperature and world CO2 levels, you might notice that the CO2 levels rose 800 years AFTER the temps. started going up.

    As for the large amounts of snow, one theory that global warming is coming is "extreme" weather patterns. We have been getting A LOT of snow, but I don't think this is really considered extreme.

    But like I said, humans can't do anything about it. Most of the warming is caused by how we rotate around the Sun (Milankovitch Cycles) and how big the Sun sometimes gets (see Brightness Variation and Cosmic Ray Flux for more info). From a spatial level, we a screwed. On the bright side, it won't happen for a couple thousand years.

  13. Complete fiction!  You're opinion is correct.  Here in Ohio we had one of the coldest Feburary's on record right in the middle of this big warm up.  Whats funny is that some people argue that cold temps. are the 1st sign of G.W.  What a joke, its all hype from the media.  You gotta love some of these global warming nuts!! Sydney D's post below is blaming earthquakes on global warming!  These nuts will blame anything on G. warming, earthquakes have nothing to do with it.

  14. oh global warming......fiction for me....but there are 2 sides of it......personally i believe Al Gor made the whole stuff up.

  15. fact

  16. In the literary sense it's referred to as "Hyper Fiction" : Telling a repetitive story as often and as frequently as possible.Thus the cut and paste replies from most alarmist.This is usually done through omission of facts, or showing you only what they want you to see.One example would be; saying warming is man made but then stating cooling is only weather.The alarmist agenda has had to do a lot of backtracking lately concerning climate change.Mother nature is not readily agreeing with their ideology.

  17. Have you noticed how violent the weather patterns have been lately?  Have you noticed how weather patterns have changed drastically in certain regions, like draught, floods, etc.  That is all part of global warming.  

    Just because there is a lot of snow in certain regions, does not mean there is no global warming.  In fact, thus far in Philadelphia PA there has been very little snow (2 inches) this year.

  18. Global warming happens cyclically and is suspected of wiping out 90% of the species on earth at least 3 times in the past 650 million years. That does not include the meteor impact events.

    The earth is warming and most scientists specializing in this field believe that the problem has been made significantly worse over the past 100 years because of human activity (release of greenhouse gases).

    The oceans are expected to rise 2 feet in 50 years and 20 feet in 100 years. However, it could happen a lot faster. The glaciers on Greenland are melting at an accelerating rate.

    Just because you haven't seen a million dollars in cash, doesn't mean that it does not exist.

    The specialists that I know say that the media is understating the problem.

    Harper's magazine ran an article that described how the bubble after the Internet and the housing bubble will be the "green industry" bubble.

    That should help save the planet and provide much needed jobs. Production of arms is not green.

  19. First, educate yourself, go read about it, watch An Inconvenient Truth and read about the scientists that came up with this conclusion.

    2 - even conservatives now are no longer able to deny this undeniable scientific fact.

    3 - after you educate yourself, you will find that global warming does not mean that there won't be snow anymore. Some places are getting warmer while other places are getting colder. When you average the temperature all around the world though, the average temperature is rising, hence the term "global warming". The effects are already obvious if you look at animals and plant life over the planet and the melting glaciers and the rising seas (due to melting glaciers) but if you look only around yourself and no further, the effects are not obvious. They will be by the time your grand-children are adults though, they will then say: "I can't believe my grand-parents did nothing to stop this and give us a better place to live!"

  20. Fact! not fiction.

    Im a treehugger, so i know this stuff. Its true, because if we didnt have global warming, we wouldnt be having as many earthquakes & hurricanes & everything. & our seas wouldnt be diing, the animals wouldnt be diing out, trees wouldnt be dying of acid rain, so, its completely & positively true!


  22. There was some warming, but the increase in temperatures were in the normal ranges of the Earths average temperatures.  There hasn't been any warming since 1998, as shown from this NASA data.

    Scientist now know that it's the Sun's variable output that causes a change of the climate on Earth, as the Sun is the source for all of Earths warmth, not man.

    "Habibullo Abdusamatov, head of the space research laboratory at the St. Petersburg-based Pulkovo Observatory, said global warming stems from an increase in the sun's activity."

    "Global warming results not from the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, but from an unusually high level of solar radiation and a lengthy - almost throughout the last century - growth in its intensity,"

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