
Global Cooling?

by Guest67033  |  earlier

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I for one never really believed in all the "harmful" side effects of global warming, but recent data has come out saying we are now experiencing global cooling.

I know there was a global cooling scare back in the 80's, but what does this mean for us today, and what does this mean for people like Al Gore?




  1. It is interesting stuff but all seems to be based mainly on blogs and press reports.  I have seen reports that the downward spike in January/February may be due to a transient Pacific Ocean condition.  We will have to see what reputable peer reviewed science makes of it.  Most likely global warming will return with renewed vigour in two to three years time.

    Edit:  Not peer reviewed and considered science, and just a newspaper source, but perhaps adds balance:

  2. "Global cooling" is not a problem.

    The weather caused temporary cooling before, in 1982, 1991-1992, 1999-2000.  EVERY TIME global warming came back stronger than ever.

    As long as we keep making greenhouse gases, it will continue.

    We KNOW global warming isn't due to the Sun.  Proof.

    "Recent oppositely directed trends in solar

    climate forcings and the global mean surface

    air temperature", Lockwood and Frolich (2007), Proc. R. Soc. A


    News article at:

    "Carbon Dioxide levels go up AFTER temperatures go up. Huge hole in Gore's argument that lots of people dont know".

    Scientists know all about it.  It's actual strong proof that this warming is mostly man made.

    IN THE PAST, warming started for other reasons, and CO2 levels rose hundreds of years later, as warming oceans released CO2.  The process HAS to take hundreds of years.

    This time is different.  CO2 and temperature are going up simultaneously, which has NEVER happened before.  It's because this time, CO2 is the main cause of the warming.

  3. 07 was actually the min for solar variation so it can only warm after that.

    (the Solar Variability subheading is most relevant)

  4. It means that it is out of our hands and let God run the Thermostat.

  5. Yeah I read this also. and it just seems to prove that the climate and weather is not as predictable as people like to claim it as. Sure its possible we could plunge into another severe ice age like WAY back in the day, or continue warming and this year could be just a coincidence, maybe effected by the sun, maybe not... no one REALLY knows. I believe it will get cooler than the last 10-15 years and cooler then the so called "average" for a while. As for Al Gore, it just means he's another human being like all the others trying to predicting and claim things. He will probably be remembered in the books as the main advocate to something that was completely wrong and nothing will really happen to him now, people will just say he was wrong and move on... we need to become more dependent from fossil fuels anyways whether to reduce carbon emissions or not.

    btw, the temperature of the planet does NOT go up when carbon dioxide in the atmosphere goes up. Its the other way around. Carbon Dioxide levels go up AFTER temperatures go up. Huge hole in Gore's argument that lots of people dont know.

  6. Here's the best site on global cooling:

  7. This whole global cooling thing is quite feeble, the 100 year graph of temp shows a number of cold winters, colder than the current one, and this hasn't stopped the average temp going up.

    You don't think a site called 'globalwarminghoax' might be a little one sided. I feel sorry for people who go to sights like these thinking they are getting real information, rather than the avalanche of miss-information coming out of the denier movement.

    And if you going to use the completely discredited 'cooling scare of the' line, at least get the decade right it was the 70's not the 80's. And as the paper that started the theory 'that the media ran with' was actually about possible future climate (in the 70's) and covered both cooling & warming caused by Co2 but that seems to be conveniently forgotten when it is brought up today.
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