
Global Economic warming, will it improve us as a human race?

by Guest57299  |  earlier

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No one likes or wants the devastation that will result in global warming. What I ponder is if this will improve us as a species and make us more than we are? Will this bring upon the earth a step up in the evolution chain for all living creatures due to the changes in earth and our environment?




  1. I don't think it will help us, it will harm us if anything...key word Global Warming!

  2. No.  The change will be slow, but fast enough to overcome our ability to evolve and cope, if we don't start to do something about it now.

    Rich countries will suffer great damage to their economies dealing with coastal flooding and damage to agriculture.  In poor countries many people will die of starvation.  It will be the worst disaster in history.  More here:

    It's like asking if the New Orleans hurricane improved us.  It may have had some positive effect on the government's disaster relief program, and some people did great things, but was it even close to worth it, because of the damage and loss of life?  No.

  3. There is a chance that faced with the crisis we could as a species/culture turn from the current industrial growth consumer socety to a life sustaining lifestyle. What Joanna Macy calls "the great turning".

    These problems are man-made, so man CAN undo them.

    The techniques & understanding, political, technical, economic, spiritual  are all available to us. The question is will we adopt them? or will we go to our graves like a drug addict in denial?

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