
Global Temperature Increase?

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Someone at work is claiming that global temperatures havent increased since 2001. I doubt that this is true as massive amounts of CO2 have been pumped into the atmosphere in this time.

Can someone point me to a reliable source of data that proves that the planet is still warming.




  1. We have now had 10 years of cooling or stable temperatures

    The graph in this article clearly show that 1999 and 2000 were cooling years, 2001 to 2006 were stable and 2007 another cooling year.

    These measurements have been made by the official organisations that monitor global temperature, not GW sceptics or oil industry people, so they cannot be dismissed.

    They are direct measurements from satellite, not proxy measurements, so they are more accurate.

    This indicates that the role of CO2 in our climate has been substantially exaggerated, it is a factor, but only one in many.


    'the worst is over'? lol! its just la nina (and the north atlantic oscillation last year) causing this temporary levelling off, youre not looking at the whole thing are you? we are up to the temperatures of the holocene maximum already.....

    here's an english one for you, the longest temp. measurement record in the world, CET

  3. erm....

  4. just refer him to and make sure you are with him when he goes to the web site

  5. You are already assuming that there is actual global warming.This is not necessarily so and one most important factor is whether you are considering the warming for a period of say 1 year, or 100 years or even 10,000 years. In the case of about 100 years a small increase in temperature has been found but this could well be due to other effects than our increased burning of petroleum etc.

    The answers to these problems are different, and I suggest you start to look at this scientifically by consulting the wippi enclopedia on the internet.

    And incidently the CO2 is not being pumped but is released and most of it being slightly heavier than air does not get a chance to affect the solar radiation

  6. Surly you need reliable evidence one way or the other, not just something to prove your own agenda?

  7. Of course the global temperatures are increasing. Partly due to humans, but we're such a small, small cause.

    The reason global warming is happening is pretty simple. The last ice age is ending. You see, the planet is at it's warmest state since the last ice age, but remnants are still there. The polar ice caps are the bits of the frozen wasteland that was Earth, they just haven't melted away like the rest of it.

    At one point, the global temperature will again reduce.

    I'm sure humans will think of some way to exploit people who panic over little things like nature, just like what's happening now.

    As for proving global warming, nobody can prove that we cause -anything-. They just can't do it, they may throw out their degree and what they think, but there will ALWAYS be at least one of us who will thow out OUR knowledge and others will be torn between.

    Summary: Yes, it is. It's supposed to warm up.

  8. The Planet has been warming for 11,000 years. If you look at the charts you will see there are normal cycles of warming and cooling, Humans have no control over this it's a normal process.

    To say anything against "Global Warming" is almost Heresy and people have been so brainwashed by all the nonsense that no matter what evidence you present they wont believe it.

    Humans only produce 5% of CO2 on the Planet, most of it is produced by decaying leaves and grass in Autumn and Winter. In the Spring and Summer the CO2 is absorbed by Trees and Plants and by Photosynthesis the CO2 is converted into O2. CO2 is not a pollutant, the World could not survive without it. The Oceans also absorb CO2.

    CO2 does not cause warming, if you look at the CO2/Temperature Charts you will see that the CO2 takes about 800 years to catch up to the Temperature. Also over periods of millions of years you will see that the World heats up and cool down, it's a normal process. A 10*C drop in temperature and the Northern Hemisphere will be buried in a mile of ice.

    20 years ago the Alarmists were saying that the World was cooling and we would be plunged into an Ice Age. A lot of evidence being produced is not based on Science. They say that the Polar Bears will be wiped out when the Polar Ice Caps melt but the Polar Bears have seen several Ice Ages come and go and they are still here. They said that when the Ice Caps melt that the Oceans will rise 60 Meters, 50% of the Ice Caps melted but that didn't happen either.

    The bottom line is that we dont know enough about the World we live in, we listen to crackpots like Al Gore and accept any nonsense he puts out, look at the evidence he presents with the sound turned off and decide for yourself. The fact that the World has been heating up since the last Ice Age is indesputable bbut we may be coming to an end of that cycle. The temperature has increased slightly since 2000 but might start to drop in 20 years, who knows.

    What people should really be worried about is the fact that we are running out of cheap Oil and that will have a more dramatic effect than anything else. If the World is in trouble it's because of the price of Oil and people will forget all about this Global Warming/CO2 nonsense in a few years.

    You decide, Cheers, Joe

    The trend for the last few years has been cooling, however, a few years means nothing. Much of the data on the U.N. website and the American websites is flawed . Their temperature monitoring system were placed in remote areas years ago, these areas have now become built up Urban Areas, how are you going to get reliable data from that?

    I dont have an agenda, there is nothing to be gained by going against the popular view. There is a lot to be gained by supporting the Global Warming Industry, people make millions from saying that the "Sky if falling", you dont make money from telling the truth. In a few years when there is a Global Recession from the lack of cheap oil, Global Warming will be the least of our problems.

  9. The Planet has been warming for 11,000 years. If you look at the charts you will see there are normal cycles of warming and cooling, Humans have no control over this it's a normal process.

    To say anything against "Global Warming" is almost Heresy and people have been so brainwashed by all the nonsense that no matter what evidence you present they wont believe it.

    Humans only produce 5% of CO2 on the Planet, most of it is produced by decaying leaves and grass in Autumn and Winter. In the Spring and Summer the CO2 is absorbed by Trees and Plants and by Photosynthesis the CO2 is converted into O2. CO2 is not a pollutant, the World could not survive without it. The Oceans also absorb CO2.

    CO2 does not cause warming, if you look at the CO2/Temperature Charts you will see that the CO2 takes about 800 years to catch up to the Temperature. Also over periods of millions of years you will see that the World heats up and cool down, it's a normal process. A 10*C drop in temperature and the Northern Hemisphere will be buried in a mile of ice.

    20 years ago the Alarmists were saying that the World was cooling and we would be plunged into an Ice Age. A lot of evidence being produced is not based on Science. They say that the Polar Bears will be wiped out when the Polar Ice Caps melt but the Polar Bears have seen several Ice Ages come and go and they are still here. They said that when the Ice Caps melt that the Oceans will rise 60 Meters, 50% of the Ice Caps melted but that didn't happen either.

    The bottom line is that we dont know enough about the World we live in, we listen to crackpots like Al Gore and accept any nonsense he puts out, look at the evidence he presents with the sound turned off and decide for yourself. The fact that the World has been heating up since the last Ice Age is indesputable bbut we may be coming to an end of that cycle. The temperature has increased slightly since 2000 but might start to drop in 20 years, who knows.

    What people should really be worried about is the fact that we are running out of cheap Oil and that will have a more dramatic effect than anything else. If the World is in trouble it's because of the price of Oil and people will forget all about this Global Warming/CO2 nonsense in a few years.

  10. Do not get your evidence from u tube or yahoo answers or other unreliable sources. Go to reputable sites sponsored by the UN or other honest broker. I will not give you addresses as you might then assume I am steering you in one direction or the other. Be wary of sites that look official but are in fact operated by people with personal agendas.

    The international panel on climate change set up by the UN pulled top scientists from around the world who have spent years researching this issue, I trust their answers to have more merit than those of small cliques pushing a particular bandwagon. Also what they are saying fits with observation and my own understanding of physics, chemistry and mathematics. What I have seen presented to counter is generally flawed logic, misquoted or mis interpreted statistics or just plain humbug that gains currency just because people keep saying it.

    Man's contribution minimal,bah!!

    In the end some people just don't want to know.

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