
Global Waming is alarming Scientists also differ.Why?

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Are we not contributing to this effect?




  1. Scientists really don't differ at all. Peer reviewed articles about global warming in science journals, a good indicator of professional scientific thought, have mostly all said that global warming exists, by a 98:1 ratio. The mainstream media however, publishes articles that are skeptical about global warming on a 1:1 basis. Watch the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," as it is universally lauded for its content and will help explain to you a lot of things about Global Warming.

  2. Dr. Richard Lindzen, Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Science at MIT says of the consensus on global warming: "First, nonscientists generally do not want to bother with understanding the science. Claims of consensus relieve policy types, environmental advocates and politicians of any need to do so. Such claims also serve to intimidate the public and even scientists--especially those outside the area of climate dynamics. Secondly, given that the question of human attribution largely cannot be resolved, its use in promoting visions of disaster constitutes nothing so much as a bait-and-switch scam. That is an inauspicious beginning to what Mr. Gore claims is not a political issue but a "moral" crusade.

    Lastly, there is a clear attempt to establish truth not by scientific methods but by perpetual repetition. An earlier attempt at this was accompanied by tragedy. Perhaps Marx was right. This time around we may have farce--if we're lucky."

    The entire article, well worth a read, is here:

    Here are some other interesting articles regarding the scientific consensus on global warming:

    From the NY Times -

    From Canada Free Press -

  3. Global warming. Does it exists? Yes, temps have gone up SLIGHTLY in the last few years. The real question is how much, if any, is caused by mankind. Think about this before you run out and believe everything Al Gore says in his presentation: ONE volcano eruption puts out more greenhouse gases than all the cars EVER built. Back in the '70s they whined and warned about global cooling.Matter of fact I was told that by 1989 where my house sits near Lake Erie in Ohio would be under hundreds of feet of ice. The Earth warms and cools all the time. Remember we have had various ice ages and warm trends throughout history. The sun has alot more to do with global warming than man does. Scientists differ because they look back and forth and see different things. Most predictions of global warming are based on computer models. Some say these are faulty. We cannot accurately predict the weather next week, but these models are projecting decades into the future. Money also plays into it on both sides. Easier to get grant money if you are studying a problem than if its not important.

  4. No body has understood the mysteries of nature nor one has wisdom to understand it.People are just crying to attract attention towards them for name and fame.

  5. It was always a debate on the way global warming is defined. World has always seen a increase in temperature ever since the world was formed. In fact when the world was formed it was an icy planet. As temperature increased ice started to melt and we see the world as of now. It will continue to rise as it is a natural phenomena. But the rate of temperature increase is a concern. The debate is what really causes the rate of temperature increase? - Many western scientist say it is carbon dioxide and a host of 6 gases - we all know carbon dioxide is released by both human beings(including plants) and industrial activities. Some scientist say that one of the best way to reduce co2 is to have population control. Many many theories and statements are made, but now the economic scientist agree that it is the industrial pollution of CO2 that leads to global warming.

  6. Very few scientists actually differ about global warming, most of them say it is posing a big problem. Dispute is weather this global warming is natural or due to us humans and what will be its effect.

    Global warming is a natural phenomenon and global cooling and warming goes on as a cycle with minor or little warming andlittle  ice age coming in between major once. The main discussion is how much we humans are to be blamed for present rise in temperature and certainly we have contributed a lot in it.

    Our non sustainable way of living, use of fossil fuel, cutting of forests, over exploitation of natural resources, greenhous gases release, depletition of ozone and  population explotion are some important factors contributing to this. Some natural forces like solor energy, volcanic activities etc also contribute to the warming but in natural way rise and decline in temperature is at a slower rate and this helps us in adjusting to it.

    This fast rise in temperature will be deadly for many species and may be we will loose out on many of them. Climatic changes will force us to either migrate or change our way of living and agriculture will also be affected.

  7. Very few scientists differ on this:

    "Regardless of these spats, the fact that the community overwhelmingly supports the consensus is evidenced by picking up any copy of Journal of Climate or similar, any scientific program at the AGU or EGU meetings, or simply going to talk to scientists (not the famous ones, the ones at your local university or federal lab). I challenge you, if you think there is some un-reported division, show me the hundreds of abstracts at the Fall meeting (the biggest confernce in the US on this topic) that support your view - you won't be able to. You can argue whether the consensus is correct, or what it really implies, but you can't credibly argue it doesn't exist."

    Dr. James Baker - NOAA

    "There's a better scientific consensus on this [climate change] than on any issue I know - except maybe Newton's second law of dynamics.  Global warming is almost a no-brainer at this point, you really can't find intelligent, quantitative arguments to make it go away."

    There's a lot less controversy about this is the real world than there is on Yahoo answers:

    And vastly less controversy in the scientific community than you might guess from the few skeptics talked about here:

    Here's the reason why:

    "I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

    Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)

    Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut and the first Commander of the Naval Space Command

    There's an overwhelming amount of peer reviewed scientific data that says that.  Short and long summaries.

    The skeptics are noisy, but few.

  8. The claim by Carson of scientific consensus is one of the many propagandas.  Here is a list of peer review articles that appose it.

    This is an article in response to Oreske's claim of scientific consensus.

    (I use Mozilla firefox with McAfee Siteadvisor.  I get redirected  saying that the above site  "may be trying to trick you into entering your financial or personal information. This is a serious security threat which could lead to identity theft, financial losses or other dissemination of personal information."  With Internet explorer I do not get such a warning.  I can guarantee you they do not ask for any such information and it is safe.)

  9. Keep in mind that the scientists get grants from supporting the idea.  But there are honest scientists around.  You only need high school chemistry to know expose the hoax to yourself.  but you need advanced stat to expose it to others, and who will listen.

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