
Global Warming, Can it really cause another Ice Age?

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Can Global Warming cause another Ice Age? I'm doing a Science Fair project on it and need to know some facts.




  1. it is going to do that

  2. pick something else to do a report on. Global warming is BS and Al Gor is an idiot

  3. The Earth has always heated and cooled. Over the past 600,000 years we have recorded evidence of atleast five ice ages. Global Warming is the affect on the Earth due to the orbit around our sun. So, in review, we should understand that what causes Global Warming will also cause Global Cooling. It keeps the Earth in equilibrium. Global Warming does not directly cause the ice ages.

    Global warming is not B.S. You are challenging the human effects, not the actual fact. I do not see any way were are contributing to the warming, but it is happening. Over the past 100 years the Earth's surface has raised 1.5 degrees centigrade. As you can see, it would take many thousands of years to feel any real affect.

    Al Gore is an idiot, he bought into the belief, and treats it as a proven fact, not the theory that is really is.

    Single digit IQs? Really? You are debating the effect, not the problem. Sometimes symptoms cloud the mind, creating an inadequate state of opinion.

  4. It may. However, it's one of the long-term effects of global warming so it wouldn't happen right then and there.

    Check the site, it has all the information you need regarding Global Warming to cause an Ice Age.

  5. Global warming is exactly what it means THE EARTH IS GETTING WARMER. But i think its a load of BULL

  6. Global warming is BS. It's obviously not humans fault for global warming if it is happening on mars. I think scientists just want to make money off of it.

  7. WOW, the single digit IQs are sure out in force today.

    yes, it can.  and it likely has in the past.

    if you look at a globe, you'll see that Great Britian is at the same latitude as some very cold parts of Canada.  what keeps it relatively mild is the gulf stream, and the heat that it transports.  

    the mechanism of the gulf stream is that it warms in the tropics, and gets pushed northward.  there is, in fact a current that travels around the globe, transiting all 3 oceans.

    part of that current requires that the gulf stream cool off, become more dense, and sink, up north, in the vacinity of Iceland.

    one possible problem with that is, if sufficient fresh water, which is lighter, is released into that current, then it won't become dense enough to sink, and the flow will slow down, or stop.

    if that were to happen, then northern europe should experience conditions like the middle of canada, which would be a major problem.

    and, gulf stream slowing seems to have already started.

        Gulf Stream flow begins slowdown - 2002 article

    "A number of recent climate models have shown that ... the Gulf may slow by up to 30%."

    -- And that has now been shown to have happened --

    "Even worse, a "business-as-usual" scenario might lead to a quadrupling of emissions and a shutdown of the supply of warm water to the north Atlantic by the middle of the next century."

    -- That means an ice age.

  8. think about it. if it's getting WARMER, how will that create an ICE age... do your project instead on the indoctrination of our youth by algore.

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