
Global Warming, Have You Bought Into It Yet?

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Right so yea this is a rant/question.

After a heft amount of research on Global Warming I found (public information to gain this information) that the world has been much warmer than it is in present day. And other factors like the world temp did not rise during any of the leaders in industrial works. It's strange to be honest. Worrying as well!

AND over 30% of the scientists named in the IPCC results said there was no evidence to prove the existence of Global Warming and even less to prove it is a man made problem!!

I'm 20 years old, and have no trust or faith in anything from Polotics to the news!

Does no one think the Global Warming fear is due to the oil reserves running lower quicker than estimated? Can you imagine the money company's would lose if the wells dried? It's all too perfect!

What you think (opinions and statistics welcome!)




  1. As a species ,we need some drama in our lives to stimulate us . Each Generation seems to create its own global threat to combat . I have been through several threats that was to destroy the earth , "The A Bomb" ,new Ice Age ,the Population explosion , and now Global warming .

    I agree with you that there are many credible Scientist saying that the warming that has occurred is within the normal cycle of warming and cooling . there was a report of one place where a glacier had retreated and man made artifacts were found indicating that there had been people living there in the past before the glacier covered it

    The claim that it is man made has turned out to be the most comprehensive ,most successful Global marketing campaign in history. Think of all the new products that have been developed or old products repackaged as green and sold at higher prices to combat "Global Warming".

    Big Business is has jumped on the bandwagon and will do whatever they can to prolong the profits .

    Don't worry about the Oil companies losing money when the oil fields dry up . You can be sure they will be heavily invested in the development of the new energy source when the time comes, What ever that turns out to be

  2. I believe the climate is quite possibly changing, however I'm not sure that the globe is warming anymore and I'm definitely not sold on the man made global warming and i never will be until there is hard evidence. Because we are being told man is definitely destroying the earth, even though there is no evidence, i wonder if we really are running out of oil, or if that's a crock of c**p as well

  3. Humans have been on earth a millisecond compared to the age of the earth. Peronally a new ice age would severely hamper my current lifestyle.

  4. Your right not to trust big corporations and politicians, but I think your 30% number is out of context.  Many of the 30% felt the assessment didn't go far enough!  Some wanted  a stronger statement about the problem while others want a weaker statement.  Many of the ones who want a weaker statement were the politicians and lawyers who want to remain on the fence.  The scientist in the group insisted that a strong statement be made and had enough support to pull it off this time.

    Do you think the oil companies now are promoting GW as a way to slow consumption and raise prices?  I wish - then there would be no problem.  We'd just develop a new few for transportation (as we are currently doing).

    Get some education behind you and do a little studying.   Hopefully, you'll take some basic science courses (physics, chemistry, geology, biology) that will allow you to begin to see the connections between climate, earth's systems, atmospheric chemistry and physics, and human activity.

    I think there is a major problem that scientist see in the near future that the world needs to plan for!

  5. Sure.  It's scientific fact.

    This is science and what counts is the data.

    "I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

    Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)

    Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut

    Here are two summaries of the mountain of peer reviewed data that convinced Admiral Truly and the vast majority of the scientific community, short and long.

    summarized at:

    There's a lot less controversy about this is the real world than there is on Yahoo answers:

    And vastly less controversy in the scientific community than you might guess from the few skeptics talked about here:

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    Good websites for more info:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

  6. No, but we should have always been vigillent about the care and feeding of our environment. Even though I do not buy into the Global Warming fear, it does not preclude me from respecting Mother Earth and being mindful of my actions.

    We do not know in Geological Time whether the Earth is a baby, toddler, adolescent, middle aged, geriatric, on life support.  We are a by-product of the Earth, whose time in comparison to it measures but a few scant seconds. Within those last few scant seconds we have the emergence of sciences which themselves are in their infancy.

    We know that Humans lie. News and politics driven by economic agenda are especially good at this.  Whe also know that Humans are gullible due to lazy thinking conditioning.  If this and other issues confronting Humans were so important, then it would be reasonable to facillitate the basic means to encourage a more Free Thinking, Critical Thinking, Compassionate society whose mission is to research for the purspose of resolving those problems.

    Instead we have an assimulated population of "poll parrots and yes men," who support the whims of a selfserving status quo.

  7. No global warming fear is not caused by a fear of oil wells drying up because it they did we would just drill in other areas.  But I do think global warming is made up

  8. No, I've neither bought into this lie or the one about Santa Claus.

  9. The denieristi are masters of misinterpreting data, using it out of context, swapping interpretations to suit their convenience etc.  I don't bother with that part much anymore.  The main thing I would say to you is that if you are an American, or a citizen of one of the other 29 "developed" countries you enjoy luxuries and privileges unimaginable to 7/8ths of humanity.  Among these are playing intellectual games with what are life and death issues for others, taking lightly the vast advantages you have, and assuming it is your birthright to do so.  People have short memories about their own failings, but the people wronged by them often have long memories.  Think before you speak, and then think again.

  10. its a massive conspiracy to keep the common man in check.....and theres no better way to do that than to put the fear of god into him!

  11. I've amassed a war chest of sites from universities, world governments, scientists and private enterprise that all seem to agree that global climate change is impacting life in some areas already.  The full effects of what is already in play won't be realized for decades, meaning that even if we cleaned up our act 100% the situation would continue to get worse before it gets better.

    It simply doesn't make sense to be coy about this.  I've got a grandson, and it's his generation that will suffer -- literally -- and I refuse to sit back idlely while skeptics twiddle their thumbs and shuffle information and statistics.  The scientific community and world governments have acknowledged global warming and have begun the arduous task of shaping policy.  How the world addresses the situation will shape conditions for the remainder of the century.

    Yahoo is not representative of the work going on locally or abroad.  The sites below are a sampling of what's going on at the university level.  I am very much encouraged to think about all the brainpower involved at so many levels.  Within the next 2 years, there won't be many skeptics left.  So best, in my opinion, to properly inform yourself now.  That means stop trying to find fault with IPCC results, Al Gore, etc., and become part of the solution.  The future you will thank yourself for it.

  12. I don't buy into it.

  13. It is more correctly referred to as Climate Change.  And I am 100 % sure the climate is changing.  It is always changing.  The earth (Gaia) is a dynamic system, and thus never stays the same.

    this link may provide some insight from one of the worlds leading experts. James Lovelock

  14. Well if its not global warming then somethings going on - i mean a tornado in england? aswell as other hectic weather types

    somethings not right, or maybe its just brought to our attention more

  15. global warming is a bunch of ant c**p

  16. We aasume we are so important, that we dramatically alter the earths life. Earth has ben here for billions of years and it will be here long after we are extinct.

    People forget one day the sun will blow and destroy the planet.

    I think global warming is a con. Its the biggest environmental drive ever, the greenies are making fools of us.

    The temperature is a dynamic thing it has always changed, despite our interventions.

    Lets just enjoy our time on te planet.

  17. Some people simply don't want to believe anything that might force them to rethink their lifestyle.

    Politicians and big corporations are often telling untruths to get us to do things for their benefit, but never in human history has there been such a consensus of opinion from so many diverse sources. This one is a serious problem for all of humanity and every one who has the brains to think it through can see it. This is no con. Do you really think all the countries of the world would go along with it if it were? For many it means real hardship not just in the future but right now.

    Sure there is hype and over dramatisation, that is the human way. But the science is real, the facts don't lie and if we do nothing our descendants will judge us accordingly. I have children and grand children. I have a responsibility to do the best I can for them. Sitting back and sticking my head in the sand denying reality is not in their interest. I want them to be proud of me and so will do what it takes.

    This is not about big business making more bucks, this is about everyone making a contribution. The funny thing about some of the best solutions is that they cost little to nothing, possibly save you money and actually hurt the bottom line of big corporations and reduce taxes as well.

    Switch off unnecessary lights, heaters etc. saves money for you! Does not increase 'their' profit. Drive less walk more, saves more money, reduces their profit further and is healthier! Buy less processed stuff, buy less packaging. How exactly do these fit into the conspiracy theory?

    Use more renewable energy (which is ideally suited to dispersed consumer oriented production, ie make your own). Hard to see the big boys liking that very much.  So the whole conspiracy thing doesn't make sense once you look at what is really being said.

  18. ...I dont really worry bout it

  19. Global warming is caused by fossil feuls being burned by HUMANS and put into the atmosphere. That pollution is called "greenhouse gas" and it stays within the Earths force and cannot get removed. Of course to resolve this problem companies must be able to afford to put scrubbers (I think that's what ther are) on their smoke stacks. But the only way the companies can do that, is if they get more money from the consumers. But nobody wants to purchase anything because of the economy. My idea (please share with friends, family) is to plant TONS OF TREES to eat up the "greenhouse gas." Then we can all (my generation) but hybrid cars. (which I will in 7 years when I can drive) :)

    Sorry about the LONG answer!

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