
Global Warming, Polar Shift, New World 2012- Are we ready?

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Global Warming is being recognized as a fact. What does it mean for the world? Is this climate change a precursor to the end of the Mayan Calendar's 3rd world? Will there be a polar shift in the next 4 years? If this happened would we be prepared for the disaster? Would there be a mass migration to certain continents along the new Equator? The world would be tipped upside down and habitable areas would be sought after. Chaos and war would be abundant. Everyone should be aware that this event "could" take place in the near future. There are numerous references in the Bible if you believe in that type of thing. Tell me your ideas.




  1. No it's not. Invest in a pair of long underwear and a good parka.

    You can also check what I really think about it.

  2. We just need the cooperation of the companies that are putting the toxic chemicals in our air.  The "green" idea seems to be seen as a "trend". If people like you and I want to make a difference, then I believe that everyone needs to do whatever we are capable of doing. That along with the cooperation of the government, and the major companies that are putting these chemicals into the air, I think we can make it. We just need to act now, before it's too late.

    Anyway, hope this answered your question to some degree. Have a good one! : )

  3. A pole shift is nothing to be worried about, it's happened lots of times in the past and it will probably take thousands of years to complete. In the meantime bees and birds will have a harder time navigating due to their in-born compasses. We can just manually adjust our compasses. If you're talking about the Earth shifting on it's axis, what would cause the equator to suddenly be at one of the poles?

    The Mayan calendar does end in Dec. 2012 but many of their descendants point out that it only shows the end of a period, not the end of life. And if they were really that good at making predictions, they'd have seen Cortez coming and gotten out of the way or been ready for him. The Earth will move into the galactic plane but we're already doing that now, it's a gradual process and nobody knows if it will have any impact at all.

    As for global warming, the only way it could make a radical change in the next four years is if it's caused by a comet or asteroid slamming into the Earth, a huge solar flare or mass ejection or a major volcanic eruption. Warming from greenhouse gases takes a very long time, especially if you're only concerned with the weakest gas which is CO2.

    There are a few bigger threats such as pandemics, further losses in honeybee populations (if they die out entirely we'll be in for total loss of some food crops), and Al Gore's acolytes seizing control of world government.

  4. I don't put much credibility in a culture that extincted itself.

    Global warming is not being recognized as fact, everybody knew this.

    Just this morning on shows that world temps haven't even increased since 1998.

    It's a farce, and now people are waking up to it.

    It's yet another scam to tax us.

  5. yes, those events "could" happen.  An asteroid COULD hit the earth tonight, The Sun Could explode.

    If the Mayan calender was so percise, why did the Mayan civilzation collapse 1000 years ago.  

    IMHO if that is all you can find to worry about, you need to get a life.

  6. Considering that the Mayans gathered men, women and children by the thousands, ripped their fingernails out, paraded them around their city in disgrace, then tortured and mutilated them to death to appease the gods and exact revenge much like the Aztecs did, I find absolutely no reason whatsoever to care about anything their calender may have said. Look into it, they were barbarians.

    The polar shift is bogus. Edgar Cayce said it would happen around 2001. It didn't. Polar shifts do happen but there's no reason to think one is likely soon.

    And of course the bible is good for 2 things- a pillow, and a handbook for how to invent a god for an agrarian culture to exterminate their neighbors through genocide and steal their land.

    Good luck.

  7. Sure I'm ready.  I've still got my Y2K survival kit!

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