
Global Warming, Would you Expect to See Greater Temperature Swings, Winter and Summer, -

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-With an Overall Increase?




  1. Global warming is observed mostly at the poles and not the equator. It means that the difference between the two is less hence the polar front has less energy. This is why, in temperate latitudes, there are more storms in the winter than the summer: The difference is greater when the pole is in a six months night.

    On the other hand, there are more moisture in the air because e.g. at 15 C, the air can contain up to 14 grams water per cubic meter. Higher temperature means more water. That, in turn, reduces the heating of the surface by the sun. But it also feeds more energy in tropical convection like hurricanes, etc.

    So, the bottom line is: we don't know exactly how global warming will affect our weather other than it will do it. And that, in itself, is scary enough, don't you think?

  2. .In a show I saw on the PBC it mentioned the dimming effect taking place. How this theory was better understood was during the grounding of planes after 9/11that led to a clearer blue sky "effect" it appears air traffic alone is weaving a "pollution fabric" that is cutting down on the sun light hitting the earth surface. To compound that effect is other emissions from burning fossil fuels, factories, chemicals etc. that are causing water vapor droplets to be much smaller than normal (because of their bonding to the pollution's) thus heating up the atmosphere.(The greenhouse effect.) So we will be faced with having to deal with global warming and dimming as well. If we move to fast on one we my worsen the effect of the other. Yes, to your question.

    We really need to start addressing this issue in a serious and expeditious way by limiting pollutants now. Procrastinating 2,3,5 or 10 years from now may not be enough,  setting up smaller realistic goals for next year is what we should be working on If we had any leaders. (Prior to a more aggressive approach.)

  3. You folks seem to have missed the UN report that says the planet is a little cooler.

    Many years ago, a meteorologist in Colorado published a paper that essentially said this: The more we pollute the atmosphere the more violent the weather will become. More violent storms, both hotter in the Summer and colder in the Winter. Seems he was right.  He would attribute the changes in pollution in general , not one particular culprit like CO2.  Incidentally, a fellow in Tuscon has invented a CO2 scrubber, that removes a LOT of CO2 regardless of the source from the air.  The Liberals are the ones fighting it. Go figure.  

  4. yes expect and am seeing greater temp swings. i live in NY and its steaming this summer. my fam lives in Puerto RIco and they say the heat there is unbearable lately

    so i do expect swings in the near future

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