
Global Warming And Politics?.

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I believe global warming is happening today , but does anyone know why the governments are'nt taking corrective action , to help our environment?




  1. Because they are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

    I also believe that AGW is a problem that should be addressed.  But the politicians are between a rock and a hard place.  They have to prioritize and allocate funds to solve problems.  To the extent that mitigating AGW can help mitigate other problems (for example fuel independence), things may work well.  But if you have to choose who gets funds, AGW mitigation or cancer research for example, it gets tough.  What is certain is human actions are causing a problem, but the size and scope are not as certain. The ecological and economic consequences of global warming are highly uncertain.  It is a tough environment to make a good decision in.  Do you deal with the devil you know, or the one behind curtain number two? I may be huge (very good chance it is), or maybe easy to deal with.  If you wait a little longer, you may get more information to help you choose.

  2. you believing it does not make it so...sorry, the world does not revolve around you...there are no studies that demonstrate AGW, which is what I assume you are talking about, is happening...

  3. Global warming has been recognized as a scam by many governments so they're obviously not willing to jump aboard.  They've seen how the IPCC works, realize that people like Jim Hansen have been playing with NASA-giss numbers, note that Al Gore himself can't seem to get the facts right, and recognize that all of these things were done to promote global warming.  

    Other governments did jump aboard, unfortunately.  They're the ones whose people are paying the fight a ghost.

  4. Goverment can not change the weather

  5. There is a big difference between economy on one side and environment and ecology on the other. Governments are under great influence of different industries (oil, gas etc.) and this brings profits to both of them. Lately however there is some action but still not sufficient enough to help our environment but as long ecology plays second violin to economy things unfortunately won't change that much. Our society is still very much driven by profits.

  6. That is all well and good, but what are the solutions to Global Warming? and what are we to expect the Government to do about it?

    Does the government need to mandate how many miles we can drive a day? or how much energy we can use a day?

    we already have laws controlling how much our cars can pollute.

    A recent poster said that they should regulate how many cars a person or family could own.

    But the fact is that no matter how many cars a person owns, he or she can only drive one at a time.

    Global Warming, and pollution are things that we as individuals need to take responsibility for.

    The truth is that we cannot and should not as a Government regulate the world.

  7. "Global warming" as a religion is a joke. Do some reading and check out the facts. What you see in the news is intended to make you believe in warming when it really peeked in 1998 and has been cooling down since then. There are actually 31,000 scientist that have signed a petition that states that human activity is not having an affect on the Earth. If the governments take action like you want, what you will see is taxes, taxes, taxes.  So if you get what you want, they get what they want. So find something else to "believe" in.

  8. People don't control the weather, so we play no part in our planet's natural cycles

  9. Because corrective action takes money and intervention into business enterprise, including government owned business.

    It's no wonder that the communist governments of China and the previous soviet countries are high in pollution and short on action.

    Global warming is a different argument.  "Does man made CO2 cause it?"

  10. OK so the weather is changing.  Humans (according to the IPCC) put 1.6 W/m2 of energy into a system that naturally has 350 W/m2.

    Think you can change a bonfire by lighting a match?  

    Sorry bub - nothing that lasts 4.5 billion years is fragile enough to be hurt much by humans.  Go steal all of Pakistan's nukes and set 'em off - you still won't change the climate much.

    h**l, we might get to see that scenario play out depending on what Iran & Turkey do.

  11. If you look hard enough and dig good enough you will find why the people in government are really not any more exited than Gore or Obama. There is no crisis, no cities are going to flood, no bears are going to drown and all that is going to happen is a few really big shot oil men are going to get a whole lot richer and the democratic party politicians that backed their scam are going to get a whole lot richer. The only people that are going to suffer are the average consumer who will find their cost of living going up but not their paycheck.

  12. Because they are not convinced.  Even if the earth is warming, and just because human activity and the use of fossil fuels is increasing, it doesn't mean we are causing it.   Just because "c" follows "a" and "b", it doesn't mean that "a" and "b" causes "c".  

  13. Because they view global warming either A, doesn'tt exist and is just a conspiracy for political gain, or B, they don't see the effects today so why worry about tomorrow.  

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