
Global Warming- Answer these Questions?

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This is for class. If possible, I would like to quote those comments I think I could use in my news stories, but I'd like permission to print your name as well. Thanks for contributing


1. Have you seen An Inconvenient Truth? If so, do you agree with former Vice President Al Gore and that global warming was caused by our carelessness of the environment?

2. How do you feel about celebrities, such as Leonardo DiCaprio and Sheryl Crow, promoting the awareness of global warming? Do you believe that it is just another fad in Hollywood?

3. Is ethanol a good alternative to gas? Ethanol conversion centers are making their way around, and they might cost you $200-300 to convert your car to take ethanol. Will you do it even if ethanol will cost less, but give you less mileage?




  1. What you should be analizing is how these people can agree or disagree with Mr. Gore or that warming is happening now. It is not open to interpetation. It is not a yes or no question. All that was in this documentary was factual graphs and statistics collected by the scientific community. Did you tell your history proffessor in high school or college that he was full of ****? Did you not believe in the formulas that solved a geometry problem, even though they are fulproof? Agree or disagree??? How is that even a question?

    This my friend, is why we are doomed to die from our own warped sence of morality, from our complete lack of understanding of the delicat ballance between life now, and the destruction that would ensue from just a 2 degree change in global climate. Of course we are responsible. So aree natural forces of the earth, no one denies this fact.

    It is too late to change anything. This is only because it is imposible to change the minds of the most uneducatable population in history.

    Die well...

  2. 1.  Not seen it but I know enough about it to know that it is full of spun half truths, and Al Gore is an idiot.

    2.  Celebrities are fame hungry, they will do anything to make their names appear more on TV, News papers, They tackle controversial issues to make their life seem more meaningful.  They are idiot's also, out of touch with real Americans

    3.  It is a terrible alternative.  Studies show that if we plant every field in the USA to Corn it will impact our oil consumption by 12%.  If we do this we will have severe food shortages not just in the USA but across the world, just to gain 12%.  Ethanol is a fad and can not work no matter what, it is impossible.

    and as for my thoughts on Global Warming:  Global Warming is a trojan horse for Socialism, wake up Americans. Global warming is at the fore front because politicians found how to use a new platform to get re-elected. The world leaders use it because they found ways to make money at it. This is a made up problem just like Global Cooling in the 1970's. Wake up people. I agree we need to be more efficient with our resources, and we should fine and jail companies who are dumping into our rivers maliciously. I want to stop the raiforest destruction, but to say that global warming is a serious man made issue and we need to destroy the American economy and bow down to the rest of the world certainly does not float my boat. Follow the money on this one and you will see that it is all for political gain and grant money for those scientists who profit off of the government if global warming stays at the front of the issues. Look deep into the Keoto (sp?) Treaty, first of all they took jets to a non-central resort location. Not very environmentally concious. THen in the parameters of the treaty they have a clause that makes it so you can buy or sell polution credits. This is all about shifting wealth and breaking down the United States. This is painfully obvious, just look at peoples agenda. The earth's mean temperature has risen .6 degrees C in the past 125 years. Greenland's icecaps have gotten colder in the past 10 years. The Scientists who do not gain anything on their posisition will tell you that the earth has a natural progression and this is what we are seeing. The UN report is made up of POLITICIANS not a good spread of scientists. THere are as many or more scientists who believe that man in NOT the reason and it is over hyped, but their voice is not heard in the LIberal Mainstream Media. This issue is 99% political, and an attempt to make the USA a socialist nation, and eventually communisim. WAKE UP AMERICA, IT IS TIME TO BE AMERICANS. FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE. STOP THE LIES

  3. Yes, I watched the movie and and enjoyed it.  I totally agree with the former future President Al Gore.  At present, we are just reaping what we sow.  I just hope that people would wake up and join hands to help save mother earth.  It is indeed our fault why we are experiencing global warming.  We are the ones who were reckless and unmindful.  we burn anything, we use CFC's, we allow factories and cars to pollute our air, just to name a few.  

    I dont really care if leonardo di caprio and sheryl crow are celebrities.  I dont care if they do this for publicity only.  what is important is their drive to promote awareness of the global warming.  besides, why should I think ill of them if all they want to do is to help save the environment, save mother earth.

    Yes, I am promoting ethanol as an alternative gas.  Yes, I know that you to spend much to convert your car to take ethanol, but that is just a one time expense.  Just think about this:  Your expense today hurts you for a while.  But if you think about its long term effect, and what it can do or contribute to help clean the air you breath and what your children will be breathing, that three hundred bucks is nothing compared to the thousands of dollars you will be spending if you get sick because of breathing dirty air and drinking polluted water and because of the heatstroke you experience.  

    Go against nature and nature will get back at you.

  4. 1. I haven't seen the movie and I generally disagree with the concept of "man made" "global warming".

    2. I prefer to get my information from knowledgeable sources.  Film stars know about making film but not much about life outside Hollywood.  Occasionally, a celebrity will properly research a subject but much of their thinking is clouded by their politics and "Correctness".  I have attached a link with some facts from SCIENTISTS with 19,000+ signed on.  

    3. As for the ethanol, the issue may be more market related than everything else.  For example, the conversion has to happen with filling stations as well as cars.  People would be slow to convert if there are few places to get ethanol and people and companies would be slow to invest in ethanol stations until there were a large enough volume of cars using ethanol.  On a positive note, Brazil has already made the change over and they are effectively no longer dependent on foreign oil.  Ideally, a car maker will develop and engine which could run either and have a computer chip detect the incoming fuel and automatically adjust the engine.

    Good luck!

  5. 1. Yes, I've seen it a couple of times, and the basic facts that he presents are very true and very concerning

    2. Celebrities have to deal with the extremes of life.  "Normal" citizens get to live their day to day lives without all the tabloids and media attention that celebrities have, but when celebrities have an opinion on something their voice is often louder than other "normal" people.  This doesn't necessarily mean that their opinion is more valid, but they have the resources to let it be heard and should be able to use it...that's one of the perks of being a's a give and take situation.

    3. Ethanol is a good alternative in the sense of it being a transition fuel.  Seeing Ethanol as the answer to alternative fuels is a naive position to take, and can be very damaging to the economy because of it's use for both fuel and food.  However, the basic concept of using agriculture to help produce our nations fuels is a very promising alternative, just not with corn.  And in response, that who say that more energy is used to produce ethanol than comes from it is pure speculation.  Very few people make this claim, and they don't have any evidence to back it up.  Although it's not as efficient as gasoline, it still delivers a net gain.

  6. 1- its bs

    2-more bs

    3- what they didn't tell you is ethanol takes more energy to make than you get back

  7. 1. Al Gore is wrong on this issue. Man-made CO2 is small part of naturally released CO2; the CO2 in turn is a minor greenhouse gas component. Water vapor constitutes >95% of greenhouse gases in Earths atmosphere. How could a minor component of minor component play the most important role in Earth's warming? The problem with most climate models is that they do not model water vapor!?

    2. If those Hollywood celebrities truly believed in man made global warning they would have changed their behavior and reduce energy use(huge mansions, private jets,..).

    3. Ethanol is not the solution for substituting oil. It could supplement it, but the quantity that can be produced is very small compared to US domestic needs. Massive ethanol production would disrupt corn prices and all products based on corn.

    I would not convert my car to run on ethanol.

  8. 1- Yes, and yes, it's obviously man-made. The more we consume the more we pollute and the worse it gets.

    2- They've always done this, it gets them press, but they're also looking out for the environment. Leonardo DiCaprio for instance has stood up for many causes over the years, including fighting Climate Change. These celebrities have high profiles and huge access to media, which they can either use for good or bad. If they use it for good, it gets them good press as a bonus. It's win-win for them.

    3- Ethanol gives better mileage, way better. They're switching Formula 1 cars over, and they needed to make the gas tanks smaller so that they'd still make the same number of pit stops. Basically if they didn't, they wouldn't need to refuel as often, and it'd change the pace of things.

    As for it being an alternative, it's only a stop-gap measure. In the long run it can be just as bad as gasoline. We need electric cars powered by greener energy production, or hydrogen again powered by greener energy. There's no ifs ands or buts about it, it's not a longterm solution.

  9. 1. If global warming was caused by humans. Which it isnt. How is Al Gore expecting to regulate the environment when he cant even regulate his own weight. Have you seen the guy he is huge.

    2. I think celeberty join causes like Global Warming awareness because they are bored with their own lives and need something to do. It give them a since of empowerment to act like they are truly inlightened and know more than the common man. They pretty much quote scientist and pretend they are their own words. Their hearts are in the right place but enough with these celeberties. They should lead by example and not use private jets and live in 5000 sq ft houses. I have no problem with them owning private jets and mansions but if they are going to they need to stop preaching about global warming. How much of a hypocrit can you be.

    3. I think conversion is smart. But i don't think that you should be forced to convert. If these tree huger really want us to useethanol than they should find a way to make it more economical and efficent than gasoline.

  10. 1. I did not see it nor will I waste my time seeing it.  How can he tell me to reduce my "cabon footprint" while his remains to be nearly ten times that of the average person?  

    2.  Like Al Gore, these people are just soon to be former stars trying to find a bandwagon to jump on to get back in the publics view.

    3.  E85 fuel has not been proven to be an effective alternative to gas.  The normal blend of 10% ethenol seems to work well enough.  The reduced mileage and increased wear on an engine not meant for E85 makes converting it a bad option.

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