
Global Warming?? Causes except of Greenhouse Gas??

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i know that global warming is caused by greenhouses gases like CO2 or methane. Nut what actually causes it:

For instance i have:

Transportation-----Fuels in Engines cause CO2

what else...


and if you can give me links that can support the causes

appreciate it!!




  1. As we now know, the warming and cooling cycles are directly caused by changes in the sun's output.

    We also know that CO2 can NOT be the cause.  This was proven during the 1960s and 1970s, when the Earth went through a rapid cooling cycle, causing fears of a new ice age!  Even as industry pumped more and more CO2 into the air, the Earth cooled down.  Solid proof that CO2 is not the cause.

  2. Causes except of Greenhouse Gas - What Alarmists don't want you to know.  The Earth was originally a molten ball of magma which only now has a crust which is relatively very thin under the oceans. (3-5 miles thick)

    The core is still cooling by venting heat and NO ONE knows how much heat comes from the Earth's core through the oceans.

    "Three million underwater volcanoes?"

    An heated ocean will out gas FAR more CO2 than man could ever dream of producing!

    The "Pacific Ring of Fire" has been very active for over 100 year, more than usual.

    Pacific Ring of Fire

    Note the "Ring" is present in the Antarctic region as well as near the Arctic Ocean.  This would cause sea ice to melt far faster than air temperature - probably 100 times faster.

    Why do you believe this heat anomaly exists around Australia?  First look at the map of the "Ring of Fire".

  3. Deforestation -

    After carbon emissions caused by humans, deforestation is the second principle cause of atmospheric carbn dioxide.

  4. Right Ken, that easily explains why it got so cool during the industrial revolution... LOL

    Wonder why it gets so cool when the sun goes down?  Does CO2 go down too?  How about winter time when the dense air holds more 'greenhouse' gas closer to the ground... But, it gets cold during the winter... Hmmmmm

    Keep throwing out the explanations... GW alarmists will not accept common sense and obvious facts.

  5. speakeas is completely wrong.  The cooling in the post WW2 years, until the mid-70's, is known to have been caused by the huge amount of aerosols emitted into the atmosphere.  They have a known cooling effect.

    The Cement industry emits a significant amount of CO2

    Shipping emits a significant amount of CO2

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