
Global Warming/Climate Change. What is the likelihood that humans will change their course?

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Okay, so a few countries have taken some positive steps, but the bulk of the planet (it seems to me... I'm often wrong) isn't willing to make big sacrifices for the future. People in third world countries are often times more concerned with day to day survival than survival of the species.

Is the effort to combat Global Warming/Climate Change more of an act of optimism than one based on the reality(?) of human nature?

I'm not trying to upset anyone, it's just something that's been on my mind for a while.




  1. There are a lot of valuable things in life to sacrifice for (love, country, family, friends, etc.) but "global warming" isn't one of them.

    You mentioned third-world countries and it's actually extremely cruel to tell undeveloped countries they cannot have cheap coal-powered electricity because the rich countries think humans can control the climate (humans DON'T control the climate).

    Most people (who are not professional climatologists) are involved in Global Warming because they think they can make a difference and clean up the Earth -- they are, alas, misguided and misled.

    350 W/m2 (nature) vs. 1.6 W/m2 (human).  Humans don't control the climate.

  2. there is no reason to change so human nature will not change. when and if it ever becomes needed human nature will change.

  3. SIGH*********** i dont know.. you know i think it is an act of optimism. i'm not really sure.. but all i know is that that effort to combat the climate crisis is a step. i just hope that the future would not become worst than I could imagine. i hope that more people would actually listen and realize this scary issue. because this would affect everyone.

    i appreciate your concern on not trying to upset anyone :)

    ive read rude answers..

  4. global warming is a scam, you know how much gore made off that movie, he's laughing at all of you that actually believe in it  

  5. First your data stinks ,and there math is in question . The green house gas is not there so what are U talking about... It  appears that Gore and your teachers have done job in brain washing U. The Global Warming is a scam for Gore to make money and U bought into it. GW is the reason we are paying the high price for gasoline , and U help Rob the poor, good show...

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