
Global Warming Crisis...opinions?

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So, we all know that Global Warming is extremely bad right now. But with all that's going on in the world (rising gas prices, the war, olympics, etc.) not too many people seen so concerned. I for one, am. I'm from the East, and we've been getting some weird weather, that we've never gotten extreme thunder storms almost every day, some tornado watches, and its been pretty cold...especially for summer. a lot of people say Global Warming is to blame...and i agree. So, my question is, has Global Warming ever been this bad before? and what are your opinions on this growing issue? thanks (:




  1. I studied global warming at college, and this is just a natural cycle.  I agree that we are possibly speeding it up, but the weather does have a warm 500 years followed by a cooler 500 - its just normal.

    You seen Al Gores Inconvenient Truth?  His facts were out by 800 years!  The ups and downs in his graph (the one bit of evidence he had!) didn't have any correlation at all because the results had been fiddled with.  I reckon all this is just political - there's nothing scientific about it.

  2. I think a lot of people are on the fence with global warming---with Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" for instance, there are a lot of errors. (One example: Gore states that Lake Chad has dried up because of GW, but the truth is that the shrinkage is due to overgrazing in the area as well as over-extraction (the lake is a source of water for over 20 million African people) and changing agricultural patterns.

    And there's a lot of people who believe that global warming exists but do not believe it's in our power to change it, or that there is an unattainable solution, or attempting to prevent GW would put too much strain on the economy.

    I'll be brutally honest: to me, there are so many issues in this world and global warming is an iffy one to me, because there is simply not enough cooperation.

    There's a thing called the "Copenhagen Consensus"---the idea is that because there are so many issues ranging from malaria in Africa to climate change to poverty and hunger, we should put our effort to combat the most PRACTICAL, which means putting our resources together to fight the issues that can be solved in the least amount of time.

    Diseases like HIV/AIDS and malnutrition are high on the list. Guess what's at the bottom: climate change.

    What the economists said about GW: "The cost simply exceeds the benefits".

    Go here for more info:

  3. im from the east too..wat just

    bothers me the most is that

    everyone seems to be concerned to

    dig up some more oil..why dont they

    just worry about building more efficient

    cleaner ways of replacing the oil.

    when we're running out of it anyways.

  4. The reason for all the tornadoes is colder than normal temps, cold front is more dominate than warm fronts.  I don't believe in global warming it just scientists interjecting false data into the equation which gives them the results they need and now Al Gore is making money in the name of global warming pretty soon we will be taxed on going over our carbon footprint and it will be at a level where you can't meet it so you will be taxed.  It's all about money and nothing to do about the environment.

  5. It's here, we can no longer stop it, but we could slow it down somewhat.

  6. global warming is a fraud.

    not to step on anyone's toes, but just recently we were warned about global cooling then it was the ozone layer and after that it was the rainforest.

    all of these end-of-the-world emergencies always seem to pop up when liberal democrats are not in power.

    in the 8 years that global warming's high priest al gore was vice president, he never said one word about global warming.  now all of a sudden it's a worldwide crisis that will kill us all next week??

    global warming is a POLITICAL movement not an ecological crisis.  

  7. nature is a *****    look in your history books  everyone is making a big deal over nothing.  

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