
Global Warming? Do you think some in the UK find this a difficult concept to grasp because of the name?

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I mean, it seems for us the weather is getting worse not better (as in colder and wetter not hotter)

Am I looking back through rose tinted glasses or does anyone else remember school summer holidays with endless hours of sunshine?




  1. People in Britain are very aware of Global Warming.

    However when you have many countries in the world not giving a toss (including some very rich countries), then our drop in the ocean is meaningless.

    We and a few others are leaders in trying to reduce the carbon output.

  2. global warming is a farce, look at a charts of earth temp and sun spot activity.....they follow the same pattern , or cycle

    im sorry the warming temps is caused by the Sun!!!!! nothing else

    if you ve paid a stoopid amount of road tax for your 4x4 you`ve been scammed !

    plz spread the word

  3. Personally I dont have much time for the global warming theory, but the popular belief is that the UK will become very cold due to the Atlantic Conveyor gulf stream being "turned off" as the sea levels rise. So is this summer and last the start of global warming? for me no I got married in 1986 and the weather that year was just like this miserable and wet, in my view its only been the last few summer up until 2004 that have been scorchers the rest have been so so.

  4. drive a suv

  5. You have a point Cranberry

    I often here comments (meant to be funny) that global warming is something we want, to improve our weather

    It's an unfortunate name for environmental catastrophe

  6. The current global warming scare mongering has been blown out of proportion. The current climatic is a result of normal climatic fluctuations. Whilst I concede we are undoubtedly polluting the planet, 'green issues' have become big business for multi-billion £ industries. If anything all this nonsense has deterred me from recycling/giving a flying f*ck about 'green issues'. Yes, I do fondly remember months of dry, hot Summers past.

  7. I don't have any problem grasping the theory - and despite everything I have seen and heard I believe that it is just that a theory.

    Scientists simply don't know enough to prove that this is not just a normal weather cycle especially given that the atmosphere was more polluted during the industrial revolution 100 odd  years ago.

    That said I do think that we need to look at our current lifestyles and do what we can to ensure that we don't pile our planet up with rubbish and pollution : after all who wants to live on a rubbish dump?

    We need to look at previous generations where fridges, washing machines, toasters, kettles etc were repaired rather than thrown away and where packaging was kept to a minimum and food was eaten rather than dumped in the bin, including left overs which were turned into another dish ie sunday lamb turned into shepherds pie.

    As for the sunny summer holidays I do remember those but I also remember spending hours outside in plastic macs and wellies too.

    Personally I don't feel there is much change in weather locally since I was little.

  8. yes.

    I use the term Climate Change, it's more apt.

    links below paint a grim picture for our future

    & those in denial either have the heads in the sand or think a magic wand will do!

    I am shocked how blinkered & short-sighted people have become.

    I do my bit, green to the core.

    others are not doing their bit.



  9. Yes they should have called it Global Colding.

  10. I hear you'll be able to grow bananas in Bradford next year.

    Gas isn't it?

  11. English weather has always been a puzzle really so wots different  as like in the 189xs panic all the following season strawberries  were ready for harvesting before Christmas

      School summer Hols I recall were going to Blackpool and dreadful  cold weather one year so bad the Fleetwood ferry couldnt run ,stranded at Knott End

  12. Our seasons have changed in the UK. I too remember long hot summers with the odd wet day but very dry on the whole. I also remember proper winters.

    Things are not right any more!

  13. We had a mini ice age in Dickens's time. Skating on the Thames etc.

  14. The term "Global Warming" gives a false impression. On the whole, the planet is becoming warmer, but in certain areas, and GB is one, the warming will increase the amount of rainfall. You may have noticed that, even though the summers are becoming more wet, the winters are more mild. Yes , as a boy, some 50yrs ago , I can remember the long hot summers.

  15. There are different reason for different countries. Some will get wetter and some colder  If the gulf stream moves Britain with get very much colder but first it will get wetter  which is exactly what is starting to happen now.

  16. Yup I remember those days, not as well as my parents do though.

    I don't believe in global warming at all. It's a cycle.

  17. It's a poor description, most scientists call it climate change. The New Scientist had an article a few years back back where it claimed certain areas of the poles would get colder before the melt. The phrase is too simplistic, but it suits certain opinions, especially for those who have their heads buried in the sand.

  18. A hoax by any other name is a hoax.  

    Wake up and feel the cold on your skin while you joyously fork over your carbon tax to fund research for the crooks making a killing from the hoax.  Better yet, huddle right up to the idiot box to keep warm while it continues to convince you of the hoax.

  19. Yes I think a lot of people are confused by the term, most people I know say they would welcome a bit of global warming! And yes I remember long, hot summers rather than wet, miserable ones, and the days when it used to snow in December, not April.

  20. When global warming doesn't fit into the mold people have created for it, they call it "climate change" instead.

    We are also getting record low winter temperatures in the US in the midwest lately.

  21. a load of rubbish perpetuated by crooks intent on s******g you out of a few more of your lousy dollars.

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