
Global Warming Essay Help?

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I'm currently writing an essay proposal for my world issues class. My topic is an environmental issue:

Global Warming: Outline what climatologists believe is probably happening to world climates. Explain causes, economic implications.

For my PEP I have to (in one sentence) explain the issue, then format a reasearch question, a clear thesis, and three areas of arguments (weakest to strongest).

I am completely lost at this moment. I have completed 8 pages of reseach notes and I am arguing that global warming does exsist. But I can't seem to create any arguments fit for an essay. How would I go about outline what CLIMATOLOGISTS believe...I know what I believe (in relation to pollution, greehouse gases etc.) but I don't know if that is what is being asked. If someone could please help me out, that would be much appreaciated, THANK YOU! -- 10 points.




  1. Clamatologists are people who study our climate, in other words, our weather.







    climatology (plural climatologies)

       1. The science that deals with climates, and investigates their phenomena and causes.

    This is sort of a difficult question, because it assumes that all climatologists believe global warming is probably happening.  What I advise you to do is state that many, but not all, climatologists believe in global warming, then state your belief and support it with fact.

    Your outline:


    I.  (Paragraph containing research question and thesis.)

    II.  (Argument one.)

    III.  (Argument two.)

    IV.  (Argument three.)

    V.  (Conclusion.)

    It usually helps to have a general outline for this sort of stuff.  A conclusion makes the paper stronger.

    You may want to make this outline into a key word outline, or a sentence outline to greater understand the formation of your paper.

    Many climatologists believe in global warming.  Personally, I believe that global warming, at least at the scale that many people are worried about, is not happening.  Yes, some parts of the earth are getting warmer.  But some parts are getting colder, too.  Also, studies have indicated that the earth was actually warmer in the middle ages than it is today, due to many findings, one of them being that vineyards once grew in a part of Europe too cold for them to grow today.

    I'll go into more detail about why I don't believe in global warming if you like.  In my sources I listed a few sites against it.  I haven't read the content so I'm not sure how high-quality they are, but maybe you'll read them anyway.

  2. on global essays i writew i usually include how it affects animals like peguins ect.

  3. Now that you've heard from the folks that haven't gotten the most recent memos.....

    Several months ago, John Crawford, the founder of The Weather Channel, said that "global warming" is the biggest scam in history.  This, from a career climatologist with over 50 years professional experience.  He interviewed many scientists who have been conducting the research and 76% of them, on condition of anonymity, said that they know it's a scam, but they're making such a good living off of it they aren't going to admit it publically.  Crawford later said that Al Gore should be sued for his part in keeping the myth alive.

    Last Friday, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency announced that they are suspending their claim that greenhouse gases are harmful to the earth.  That revelation, coupled with Crawford's assertion, is huge.  Two of the leading authorities are debunking what has turned into a multi-billion dollar industry.

    One thing's for sure.  The EPA guy will be forced by whoever the Democrat nominee turns out to be, to recant his statement or face the end of his career.  That's a 100% guarantee.

    You can do your own research into these two events and then formulate your essay, if you have the intellectual courage to do so in an academic setting.  If your instructor is intellectually honest, you'll get an "A+" for originality, content, and integrity.  If he's not honest, expect an "F" and possible suspension, as well as being ridiculed in front of your class.

    Let us know what happens..

  4. Perhaps going to the source for information is the prudent thing to do.

  5. talk about dought and the melting polar ice caps. Causes is green house gasses. and check out the economics of thrid world nations and see what thier doing to contribute or prevent global warming. Try going on the web for more info.

  6. The scientists in the 10 national science academies that jointly drafted this statement that may ahve some good concise language for you:

    Joint Statement of Science Academies: Global Response to Climate Change [PDF], 2005

    Key Points:

    - Climate change is real

    - Reduce the causes of climate change

    - Prepare for the consequences of

    climate change

    Here's a good FAQ on the science:

    Frequently Asked Questions from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. ...

    The gradual development of understanding is summarized in detail by a physicist on this site:

    A site with good summaries of the facts and myths:

    Here's some help understanding and explaining the appearance of a contrary position, in spite of the lack of supporting science:

    Psychology: Denial

    "Dr. Hilary Knatz, the author of Getting On, states that 'Denial, is a way of coping with unpleasant realities' (Knatz, 1999). She then goes on to explain that: Denial, in the psychological/psychiatric vernacular, is a defensive strategy to minimize anxiety."

    "Sadly, many addicts continue to act out on their addictions while their world collapses around them blaming everything but the addiction for their problems (USDHHS, 1994)"



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