
Global Warming - Fact or Fiction 3?

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Linlyons - enjoyed your answers very much. It is cynicism which makes me question GW but I enjoy a good debate.

Would answer you as follows:

-Warmer waters cause typhoons, hurricanes or cyclones depending on where you are. Why?

-your gravity analogy - gravity can be proven to exist because things fall when dropped - how can GW be proven?

-read your suggested links - again I can still not find absolute proof.

You talk about the science - I still don't see it. Sure, pollution is bad (I have lived in Beijing and Bangkok) and industrial polluter corporations bombard us with self-serving disinformation and I'd like to see them all hang but pollution not a singificant factor in GW theory, even if GW were true.

Since the Berlin Wall came down, I still feel GW is the next big thing in things for the west to fear but am open to conclusive argument to the contrary. Honest.




  1. fact

  2. Top 11 Warmest Years On Record Have All Been In Last 13 Years

    ScienceDaily (Dec. 13, 2007) — The decade of 1998-2007 is the warmest on record, according to data sources obtained by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The global mean surface temperature for 2007 is currently estimated at 0.41°C/0.74°F above the 1961-1990 annual average of 14.00°C/57.20°F...

    ...Since the start of the 20th century, the global average surface temperature has risen by 0.74°C. But this rise has not been continuous. The linear warming trend over the last 50 years (0.13°C per decade) is nearly twice that for the last 100 years...

    ...2007 global temperatures have been averaged separately for both hemispheres. Surface temperatures for the northern hemisphere are likely to be the second warmest on record, at 0.63°C above the 30-year mean (1961-90) of 14.6°C/58.3°F. The southern hemisphere temperature is 0.20°C higher than the 30-year average of 13.4°C/56.1°F, making it the ninth warmest in the instrumental record since 1850.

    January 2007 was the warmest January in the global average temperature record at 12.7°C/54.9°F, compared to the 1961-1990 January long-term average of 12.1°C/53.8°F...

    Global 10 Warmest Years Mean Global temperature (°C) (anomaly with respect to 1961-1990)

    1. 1998 0.52

    2. 2005 0.48

    3. 2003 0.46

    4. 2002 0.46

    5. 2004 0.43

    6. 2006 0.42

    7. 2007(Jan-Nov) 0.41

    8. 2001 0.40

    9. 1997 0.36

    10. 1995 0.28

  3. There is no question the earth is warming.  What is uncertain, however, are the reasons why.

  4. so a fact well thats what i think!

  5. Wait, warmer waters =/= more tropical cyclones, only more intense ones. The formation of a TC regarding temperature is pretty much either over 26 or under 26, the former being required. Wind shear (via GW) would actually cause hurricane seasons somewhat similar to the last one.

    And you can't prove gravity that way. You'd have to observe in space or else it's just a local phenomenon.

  6. Climate change (GW) is a fact. Human caused GW is a lie.It's that simple.

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