
Global Warming? .. Fact or Myth? ..?

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Is Global Warming really real? It's kind of scaring me! LOL I keep reading online about conflicting thoughts on this. Like if eventually the ozone layer is gone, we'll all burn to death in like .30 seconds. Or eventually the sun is going to be too strong and we're going to burn to death. I live in NJ and its been COLD like december cold! Shouldnt it be a little warmer?

If anyone could clear this up for me I would love it. I'm only 17 but I would love to grow up to see my children and grandchildren! All this makes me nervous! LOL





  1. Yes there is some warming... that's the nature of Earth's climate. It's always been is transition from warmer to colder and from colder to warmer. Anthropogenic Warming (A.W.) is not established to the extent many think. A consensus is not a substitute for a proven event. The probabilistic modeling used to predict climate changes are scenarios and only as good as the parameters & defined variables in the model. Case in point: The Sun, pro A.W. camp claims to have accounted for Sun's effect by measuring Radiant Output. They totally exclude on these models, the strength of the Sun's Magnetic Field which impacts on the ability of cosmic rays interacting with the Earth's atmosphere & the resulting generation of clouds in the atmosphere

    Here are some of my objections to the case for A.W.

    a) The  ice core record shows that temperature leads CO2 by 800 years therefore CO2 is affected by temperature not the other way around.

    b) Observations by satelite and weather balloons do not provide validation of the theory of A.W.

    c) There is a strong correlation between sun spot numbers and temperature. Warming is also occuring on Mars and Jupiter's moons

    d) Water vapour not CO2 is the dominant green house gas driving heating, and the CO2 contribution to AW is insignificant in comparison.

    Anthropogenic Warming (A.W.)is not established to the extent many think. A consensus is not a substitute for a proven event. The probabilistic modeling used to predict climate changes are scenarios and only as good as the parameters & defined variables in the model. Case in point: The Sun, pro A.W. camp claims to have accounted for Sun's effect by measuring Radiant Output. They totally exclude on these models, the strength of the Sun's Magnetic Field which impacts on the ability of cosmic rays interacting with the Earth's atmosphere & the resulting generation of clouds in the atmosphere

  2. There is global warming. This has been happening since the end of the last ice age, around 10,000 years ago. 30 years ago, scientisys were warning us about the comming ice age. Read the articles in the source list.

    There is global warming on Mars, the polar ice caps are melting. The reason for all this global warming is: the sun is putting out more thermal energy.There is nothing that we can do about global warming, asside from extinguishing the sun. However that might cause a lot of global cooling.

  3. Fact.

    But the origins and causes of it have been distorted for political purposes.

    The earth has been gradually warming for millions of years.  There is a theory that earth's pollutants are speeding up the process by eroding the ozone.  There are others that claim this erosion of the ozone is not caused by pollutants but by natural events.

    Since it will take probably a few more hundred years to erode to a point where it will kill us all, I think we probably need to take a deep breath and look at the situation without all the hype.

  4. It is a fact, but we won't have to worry about it for a long time yet. In the past century, the tempature has onlt risen 0.7 degrees F.


  5. Just consider the fact that NASA has reported that warming is occuring on all of the planets in the solar system. I'm quite sure there are no soccer moms driving their gas guzzling SUV's on Mars or Jupiter.

  6. What does the ozone layer have to do with global warming?  Do not tell me the alarmist are now saying co2 damages  the ozone layer as well.

  7. The globe is warming, but weather we caused it or not is up to your descretion.

    I am a geographer, and have found many, many errors with Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth."

    What strikes me the most is that global warming was declared after one of the coldest recorded winters, and three days after Phoenix (my hometown) got snow for the first time. Also, the people who are declaring it were declaring an ice age 30 years ago. Along with that, Al Gore's graphs are not real. There are many websites that prove it. How he was able to win awards on something of false information and propaganda is beyond me. There are over 30 counted errors, but there are 25 big ones in the movie. Please watch it to get an idea of what that side of the arguement sees, but also read this article on it:

    It has all the errors, including false records and data. (Also, the whole movie was about Al Gore. It seemed almost pathetic the way he made it, as if he wanted the world to feel sorry he didn't become president.)

    Don't get me wrong, I do think the earth is going into a warm stage, but based on my reasearch, people have little to nothing to do with it. I do think that people have hurt the environment a lot, but to declare global warming is over the top.

    Once you do some reaseach and view what both sides say, you can make your own decision.

  8. thats a very popular topic these days. there are many arguements on both sides. so who do you believe? well, i guess the real answer is we just have to wait and see what the future brings to truly figure out who is right.

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