
Global Warming--Global Cooling?

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Read this article, and tell me if you will be buying sun-screen or a goose-down jacket...?




  1. Super volcanic eruptions (such as Pinatubo, Krakatau, Tambora,......) can cause the dust cover the upper atmosphere for several years and resulting global cooling.

    No one knows that these kind of eruptions will occur within 50 years from now.

  2. It's Global Cooling. Read my article or read here

  3. It really does not matter what the 4 major earth temperature monitoring organizations report--  GW proponents will claim it is a short tern effect of GW!

    Last years global COLD temperatures ERASED an entire century of supposed global warming--------- as I said before watch for continued cooling based on reduced solar activity.

    (I know it doesnt matter --- to the faithful.)

  4. I hope you didn't work too hard to come up with that.

  5. Someone said there's a reason this isn't front page news. The reason is there is a huge disparity in the media between the alarmist and the skeptics. The media is full of a bunch of liberals who have long ago swore allegiance to the AGW Church.

  6. you kind of poeple fall in the global sycos

  7. Why doesn't Yahoo Answers have a Global Cooling category?

  8. niether I think its all just a hoax to conform us into being more reserved in how we manufacture and buy things the world will come to an end regardless of global warming and our evil ways even if we were to stop and recycle more stop using aerosols etc the world would eventually cease to esist but until then why not have fun with all we got and forget about all this nonsense

  9. The statement of importance in the referenced article is:

    "OK, so one winter does not a climate make." This statement is important for several reasons.

    As an oil geologist and paleontologist, I take a slightly different view point of climate change. While, in my opinion, the climate is definitely changing, we do not yet have enough data to know which way our climate is going. We really have very little data on which to base an opinion, even with the tree ring climate data going back almost a million years.

    There have been several major ice ages distributed throughout geologic history. Just in the last 2 million years there have been 60 glacial advances and retreats. Each of these had corresponding "global warming" and "global cooling" events.

    The latest ice ages occurred during the late Neogene to Quaternary periods (the last 4 million years). It is thought that we are in the warning period between ice events.

    Geologically, our modern climate represents a very short warming period between glacial advances. However, I think that you should have both your sun-tan oil and a down jacket available just in case.

    I think the better question in the "global warming" debate is should we humans become better stewards of our energy and environment. That is a definite yes from me.

    Just in case you are concerned, you might be interested in my recent downloadable ebook, Tired of Making Your Utility Company Rich? How to Prepare for the Coming Energy Crisis. Visit my website for details.


    H. Court Young

    Geologist, author & publisher

    Promoting awareness through the written word

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    Prepare for the Coming Energy Crisis*

  10. The TREND is definitely still up (data below).

    But we are having a below average temperature winter.  That happens, some are above average, some below.  But the AVERAGE winter is still getting warmer.

    discussed in detail, with confirmation, at:

    There's a reason this isn't front page news, and it's not some imaginary "conspiracy".

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