
Global Warming Help!!!!! HW Please Answer Now!!!!?

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What are human activities that we do every day that may contribute to global Warming? What are some of the pros and cons of the possible approaches to slowing global Warming? I realy need an answer soon, thanx




  1. I use to buy into what Gore stated until I started  looking into it myself to form my own opinion.                                                                                                                                                                                                 First off the sun affects the changes otherwise how can you explain what is happening to Mars right now?

    Second - active underwater volcano's are the main contributor to the melting ice caps at the poles.

    Man has contributed to the green house by destroying the ozone - Ozone (O3) is destroyed by chlorine atoms. by havesting the rain forrests thru out the world.

    Chlorofluorocarbons, hydroflorocarbon ,carbon monoxide and that new research shows that some leafy green plants churn out methyl bromide, a chemical that helps destroy Earth's protective shield of ozone

    Since most of it is out of our hands - use energy efficent appliances and lighting.  Get a car that gets good mileage or use a scooter.  Reguardless of what they say CORN ethanol is NOT good for the enviroment because you have to burn twice as much as gas to get the same power balance.  Ethanol made from sugar cane is much much better power balanced.  Besides that corn strips the soil off all nutrients so they cannot harvest the same spot two seasons in a row.

    Try recycling everything that you can.  I switched from buying paperback books to e-books.  Save the rainforrest.  check out the links below.

  2. Driving cars, using electricity, sending garbage to landfill, buying goods (they all need energy to be produced), chopping down forests, air travel, air conditioning plus loads more.

    First approach to global warming is for everyone to reduce waste (energy, water, fuel, goods etc).... this saves money as well as saving the planet and is easy to do.

    Second is to try and live a green lifestyle.... every little helps and you can buy or install green energy too.

    Third is to hope that the global warming forecasts are slower than predicted... problem is, most science data coming through now is suggesting it is happening faster.... so lets be fast at slowing climate change!!

  3. Everything we do that consumes energy, produces carbon dioxide, unless you get electricity from a source other than fossil fuels.

  4. Hmmmm, sorry Global Warming isn't real. Im so sorry ignorant people who dont know about the natural cycle have convinced you to believe this ludicrous.

  5. Flatulence

  6. Global warming is a natural process. So I don't think people contribute.

  7. I am a nearly 30 year veteran weather forecaster and meteorologist.  I think there is nothing you can do to change whatever is happening there.   But we can all stop polluting so much.   Regardless of climate change, we don't need to get sick smelling smog.

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